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He turns me around so I am facing him, looking straight at him since he is on the step beneath mine and our heights are now even. He leans in and I prepare myself for what is about to happen.

"May I?" He whispers softly.

I wordlessly nod. He slowly leans in, closing the distance between our mouths. 

Time stops and my chest explodes at the first graze of his soft lips against mine. I feel like I'm falling and floating at the same time. I feel as if I am in a never ending loop of happiness and fear, as if he is my downfall and restoration. I wish that this moment would last forever, that I can stay in this moment of endless bliss for eternity.

As he pulls away slowly, I automatically crave the feeling of his lips against mine. He looks me in the eyes as he says the words that I have only ever heard in my dreams, "I like you, Nabi. I like you a lot."

It feels like I can hardly breathe as the final pieces fall into place, but I manage to say, "I like you, too."

He kisses me again. "Let's finish the tour," he says and intertwines his hand in mine, leading me up the stairs. He continues pointing out rooms as we walk past them but I don't comprehend anything he says, still caught up in the moment of our kiss. He speaks again and pulls me out of my thoughts. "And this is my room. You can look around if you want," he nervously rubs the back of his neck. I walk past him and he leans against the door frame, watching me. "It's a little messy."

My mouth dropped open in awe of what I saw. There were pictures all over the wall, drawing supplies everywhere, paintings scattered across the desk and sketchbooks littered across the floor. "Did- did you do all of this? The paintings and sketches?" I was slowly spinning in circles, still trying to take in the beautiful room that I was in.

"I started drawing when I was younger and I have been doing it ever since." He continued to watch me stare in awe. I picked up a sketch book and started flipping through the drawings.

"Wow, dancing and drawing. Multitalented, I see." I paused when I saw one sketch in particular. I flipped back to the picture and looked closer. I turned back towards Hyunjin and held up the sketch. "Is- Is this me?"

He chuckled nervously, "I couldn't seem to get you off my mind and normally I just draw to get my mind off of something. I sat down and started drawing, but when I finished, it seemed that you were still on my mind." He slowly pushed himself off of the door and walked towards me. I couldn't move as he slowly closed the distance between us. He grabbed the sketchbook, closed it, and set it down, reaching around me. "You know," he said. "I never really noticed you when I first saw you, but slowly as time went on, I became intrigued. I didn't want to be, but you kept appearing. I asked around to find out where you live, the bus you take, and other things. I know it sounds creepy, but I couldn't control myself around you."

"Wow. Our lives are so drastically different. Obviously I noticed you, every girl did. I just thought I would NEVER have a chance with you haha. I actually thought I was dreaming every time you even said something to me."

After a small silence he says, "I don't know what to say so..." he leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips again, making my face heat up. When he pulled away I suddenly remembered something.

"Wait, do you remember when I agreed to let you walk me home?"

He paused looking at me with a strange look as he noticed the mischievous gleam in my eye, "Yeeahhhh.... Why?"

"Well if I am recalling correctly, I only agreed to that because you said that you would prove that you are a good dancer."

"Dang it, I had hoped you forgot all about that," he sighed.

"Why? Is it because you're actually really bad and don't want to admit it?" I raised one eyebrow as I looked at him.

"No, I'm just so good that you would fall helplessly in love and never want me to stop. I can't dance forever." He put both hands over his heart and sighed dramatically. I chuckled.

"Someone sounds very confident. And if you are so confident, why don't you prove it to me right now just how well you can dance."

"Two things," he held up one finger. "One: I can't dance in swim trunks, although it would be fun to try." He held up another finger, "Two: there is a party happening downstairs and we should go join them."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, but you have to prove it to me sometime." He laughed as he put one arm around my shoulders and started to walk back downstairs. 

As we walk down the stairs, we make eye contact. We both nod at the same time, indicating that we shouldn't tell people yet. He removes his arm from my shoulders and I step away from him, making it look like we are just two friends having a normal conversation.

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