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I immediately diverted my eyes and almost died, but we started this class with individual research, thank goodness. The rest of the afternoon went by quickly, and I walked home with Yeji again today.

"He is totally into you!"

"Really? Because last time I checked I was the unpopular awkward rat who dwelled in the corner."

"True, but-"

"Hey did you say it was true?" I laugh. "You're my best friend, you're supposed to hype me up! I'm amazing!" I gently smack her, then dramatically flip my hair and smile. We both laugh with each other.

We continue babbling to each other about random things like what a deer and a giraffe mixed would be like, reminding me why she is my bestie. 

Once we reach her house, I say goodbye and continue down the block to get to my own, which isn't that far. I reach my house and relax on the couch a bit, watching a show, until my mom tells me to run to the store to get some eggs because we are running low. I sigh "But it's dark out," and she gives me a threatening look. Throwing on a dark hoodie and dark sweatpants, I walk out.

I walked down the street like I normally would, but something was suspicious. It felt like someone was watching me... Whatever, it's probably my stupid off-brand brain. It still feels weird as I keep going, especially since I swear I hear footsteps.

"Okay, I definitely hear footsteps." I look behind me. Someone is following me.

Quickly, I keep walking. "Don't panic, they aren't following you. It's just your imagination."

Trying my best to ignore it, I keep walking until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Slowly, my body turns to look at this person.

My eyes lift to the person, and my jaw drops in shock.

"H- Hyunjin?"

"Why are you out this late? It could be dangerous."

"I have a better question. Why are you in my neighborhood this late? You almost made me poop myself!" my mouth takes control, even though I am deeply regretting saying that.

"I was going on a run but I saw you and decided to walk with you to make sure you didn't get kidnapped," He shrugged and walked with me.

"I thought YOU were going to kidnap me. Next time call out my name or something so that I don't have a heart attack," I nudge his shoulder with mine and he lightly laughs. We walk in a comfortable silence until he speaks up again.

"So where are we going?"

"Oh, we ran out of eggs at home so my mom sent me out to get some. Were you just walking or were you trying to get something off your mind?" I didn't think he did it often because I never see him walk past my house.

"Well, umm..." he nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Kind of?"

"What do you mean by kind of?"

"I don't know. I just need to get my mind back on track. I keep thinking about something and I can't focus on anything. I thought I could get away from it by going on a walk. Apparently not." He mumbled the last part but I still heard it. What is that supposed to mean?? I wonder to myself.

We fell back into a comfortable silence again and my mind started to wander. Guess where it wandered. Straight to our 'almost kiss.' I have replayed the scene in my head so many times. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't see where I was going and rammed straight into a stop sign. I stumbled backwards, tripped over a twig (yes a twig sigh), and started falling backwards. I braced for impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Hyunjin hovering over me with his arms around my waist. I blinked as I looked into his eyes.

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