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It is 8:07 AM. The party is in around four hours. My foot hurts like HECK. How much can a foot heal in five hours? NOT ENOUGH. Trust me, I searched it up on Google. 

There is not a chance I will be able to walk for more than 15 minutes alone. Well, at least I have a swimsuit picked out. It is a plain white one-piece with small pink strawberries all over it. I guessed most girls would be wearing bikinis, so I chose a one-piece that is modest to maybe stand out more.

Yeji is going to pick me up because I am as scared as a little child when it comes to driving, so I never learned how. My morning went by fast, and it mainly consisted of thoughts between the party, my foot, and me scrolling on my phone, stalking Hyunjin's instagram.

Finally, the moment I was dreading yet so excited for came. Paisley came to pick me up, and she was in a very cute purple two-piece. "BYE MOM!" I yell before I leave.

"Hey Bestie! You look gorgeous!" she greets me.

"Oh my gosh, stawp! You look gorgeous!"

We laugh at each other.

"Hey, what happened to your foot?" she says, noticing the stitches.

"Oh, that? My clumsy butt dropped a cup and it shattered. Long story short, it got cut and had to get stitches.

"Yikes. You better be careful."

"Yeah, don't worry. Hopefully, I'll be fine."

After a bit of silence, she says, "There's no way you just dropped a cup. There had to be SOMETHING else going on in your head."

"Oh well... I was going to the store to get eggs and Hyunjin showed up and we went together and he bought us dinner and walked me to my house." My stomach flooded with butterflies just thinking about it.


"I'm screaming on the inside."

"Girl what kind of love story is this? He will 100% be super sweet about your foot at the party. I am betting on this."

"I don't know. We almost kissed, but I pulled away... I don't think he was very happy about it so he might be mad at me."

"The fact he almost kissed you and was disappointed when he didn't get to really proves that he likes you. Trust me."

Trust Fall || Hwang HyunjinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ