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Immediately my cheeks flush as I look at him. Why is he talking to me? There's no way he is, right? I swallow hard.

"Me?" I point to myself.

"Um, who else here is named Nabi?"

"I don't know, maybe you were, like, talking to yourself?" I probably smiled the most awkwardly I ever have in my life.

He looks perplexed and lets out a breathy laugh. "Sure. But jokes aside, are you coming to my party?"

"Oh, probably." I say nonchalantly. "But... Can I take my friend with me?" I suddenly blurt out.

OH MY GOSH why did I say that? EVERYONE WAS INVITED ANYWAY. This is so awkward. Lord help me.

"Um.. sure. You know everyone is invited, right?"

"Oh... yeah." I say, sobbing internally. "Is that all you wanted to say?"

"No, but, you seem uncomfortable so I'm not going to say anymore"


"Alright. See you around." I turn back to sit down and lay my head against the window, slowly drifting off.

Suddenly, a person taps my shoulder. I jerk awake. "Oh my gosh, am I late?"

I open my eyes to Hyunjin who chuckles and says, "No, luckily, I woke you up."

I just stare into his eyes awkwardly for a second. I clear my throat and get up. "Well, let's go so we aren't late."

We start walking into school together. Wait, am I actually walking with THE Hwang Hyunjin into school? What is my day already?

As we walk into school, all eyes are on us. "Why are they looking at us..."

He shrugs and keeps walking.

We part ways, and I stop at my locker to meet my friend there.

"Oh my, what is this, Nabi? First he personally invites you to the party, now you two are walking into school together?"

"I don't know! I feel like I might go insane though. I'M SO AWKWARD AROUND HIM." I smash my head against the locker.

"You know everyone was watching you right? They are jealous."

"That's why?"

"Um, yes, why else would they be staring?"

"I dunno, because I have a shrimp on my butt? And anyway, their jealousy won't last long considering the way I keep acting." I groan.


The day has gone by fast, and it's already lunch time. I was so excited for lunch until I saw what was on the menu. It was meatloaf and I was not ready to die so I decided that I wouldn't eat. I decided instead to go to my favorite spot in the school: The rooftop.

I make my way up the stairs when I bump into someone. Great, it's Yuqi. "Watch where you're going, wouldn't want you to fall and mess up your face," with that, she pushed me. "Whoops!" She pretended to be shocked and walked away.

I stood up and brushed myself off. I really hate her. I never even did anything to her, she just hates me. Plus, she is so full of herself and her personality changes up so quickly around Hyunjin, or any attractive boy really.

I continue to the rooftop, trying to forget about her and her stupid little face. I make it up the last stairwell and push the door open to be greeted by a cooling breeze and the warm sun on my face. I go and lay down, putting my sweatshirt from around my waist under my head as a pillow.

Wait. I never brought a sweatshirt with me today. I sat up confused and picked up the sweatshirt and held it to the sun. I didn't recognise the sweatshirt, so it definitely wasn't mine and it wasn't Yeji's. Who's sweatshirt is it, and why do I have it? I looked on the inside to see if it had a name.

My eyes basically fell out of their sockets when I saw the name: Hwang. WHAT THE HECK. WHERE DID I GET HIS SWEATSHIRT????? I'M FREAKING OUT. WHY WAS IT AROUND MY WAIST? AM I LOSING MY MIND?

I quickly look around the rooftop, checking if anyone is around.

My stomach dropped.

He was right there. 


a longer chapter. . . trust me, they will get longer dw

Trust Fall || Hwang HyunjinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora