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"YO! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??" I was startled when I heard an extremely loud voice. I automatically paired that voice to Mingi, one of the loudest people I know. He walked up to Hyunjin and did the high-five-back-pat thing that all guys do.

"Oh nothing, why are you yelling?" Hyunjin responded calmly as if we didn't just kiss multiple times upstairs.

"Dude, we have been looking for you two, we want to start a game of truth or dare. You in?" He pointed to the living room, in which I saw a huge group of people sitting in a circle, drinking soda and eating pizza.

"Obviously, you know how much I love truth or dare," the three of us walked into the living room and sat in the remaining open spots. Hyunjin sat in between Jake and Mingi. I sat with Yeji on my right and Felix on my left.

Felix leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Dude, what happened with you and lover boy over there?" he questioned, nodding at Hyunjin. 

Me and Felix became friends a little while ago. We met in school because he came up and just started talking. He asked me basic questions and that led to him joining our friend group. Now that I think about it, I wonder if Felix came up and started asking because Hyunjin asked him to. They are best friends, so it would make sense if he did.

I shoved him out of my face, "Nothing happened, keep your nose in your own business."

We quieted a little as someone stepped into the middle, "ALRIGHT EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" We all silenced as Chan announced the game we were going to be playing and the rules of the game. "Tonight we will be playing truth or dare. If you don't know the rules, you have been living under a rock your whole life, but I will still explain the rules. First we put an empty bottle in the center of the circle. We take turns spinning the bottle. If the butt of the bottle lands on you, then you ask truth or dare to the person that the head lands on. Simple enough? Good, cause I don't care enough to explain again." Chan finished his speech and sat down before speaking again, "The man of the day will spin first." He handed the bottle to Hyunjin and he spun it.

The first few spins were pretty boring and basic like "do you have a crush" or "who was the last person you kissed." I am beyond happy that I was not asked that question. The bottle landed on me and Wooyoung, with him getting to ask the question.

He smirked and I rolled my eyes, "Truth or dare, Nabi?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me as I sighed.

"Because I am not a wuss, I choose dare," I knew that the real reason was that I was scared about answering any crush related questions. But they didn't need to know that.

His smirk only grew and I got a little nervous, "I dare you. . . to come and tell me who the hottest person in the room is." I rolled my eyes again, knowing that he would find a way to make me do something like this. 

I got up and walked over to him and whispered in his ear making sure no one else would hear. Once I said my answer he snickered and poked me in my side, "I knew it." I pushed him and went back to my seat on the floor. 

I sat down and spun the bottle, watching as it spun round and round. It landed on Hyunjin and Sunghoon, Sunghoon getting to ask the question. Oh no, this is not gonna go well. Sunghoon has no filter on his questions or dares.

"Ooh, this is gonna be fun. Hyunjin, truth or dare?" No one wanted Sunghoon's dares, so I was not surprised when he said truth. Sunghoon had a mischievous gleam in his eyes, as if Hyunjin picked the one he wanted him to, "Good answer. Now why, Hyunjin, were you and Miss Nabi over there," he pointed at me, "missing from the party for thirty minutes?" My cheeks heated like someone committed arson on my face as everyone's eyes played ping-pong between me and Hyunjin.

I saw Hyunjin hesitate to answer, "I- we were missing because. . ." I saw his eyes light up as he came up with an excuse. "We are partners for a project and I was showing her around because we will be working here." I let out a sigh internally as I heard his answer, not technically a lie so it wasn't cheating, I could have done without the stutter though.

What am I saying, I am literally the queen of stuttering. Most of the people believed it but others like Felix, Yeji, Wooyoung, and Sunghoon were eyeing us suspiciously. But before anyone could say anything, Hyunjin got up and spun the bottle, silencing them all.

We played a couple more rounds until it was announced that we needed to switch spots to make it more interesting. Everyone had to close their eyes and go sit in a random spot. I got up and fumbled around until I found a spot that felt right and sat down. 

Once everyone was sat down again, we were told to open our eyes. I looked to my right and saw Mingi. I wasn't mad about that, at least it wasn't Yuqi. I looked to my left and my eyes widened. Somehow with our eyes closed, we still found each other. I blushed and looked away from Hyunjin as the game started again.

More rounds were played and it was pretty boring until the bottle landed on me and Felix. I smiled, "Truth or dare?" I saw him swallow big and my smile widened.

"Uhh. . . I- I choose. . . umm truth?" I found it funny how he asked it as a question and not an answer. Sunghoon wasn't the only one who built himself a reputation with this game.

I thought for a moment, trying to come up with a question that would be helpful for my knowledge about him. I gave him a sly grin when I came up with the perfect question, "Okay, Felix, why did you first come up to talk with me and Yeji?" I could feel Hyunjin shift beside me and I saw Felix nervously glance at him, confirming my suspicions. "And remember, no lying."

"Wh- I- you. . ." I was trying so hard not to laugh, "I wanted to know more about you guys?" I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

"If you're going to try to lie, you should say it like a statement and not a question. It makes it more believable that way."

He gave me an exasperated face as he searched for the right words. "I wanted to know more about you along with someone else, so I decided to take one for the team and talk to you guys," I heard Hyunjin let out a breath that I didn't know he was holding."

"Alright guys, last round. This better be interesting." Chan announces. Felix grabs the bottle and spins it, everyone watching in anticipation. "Yuqi and Hyunjin."

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