Opera Cake

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She was drowning. Elsa remembered going out that morning for a school trip and how she was talking to a friend Honeymaren when something collided against the side of the train they're in, pushing the vehicle off the rail on the side of a cliff and into the water. She remembered swimming desperately while trying to pull her friend along. However, Honeymaren was bleeding from the side.

Her legs were gone along with most of her back.

She can still remember how her best friend smiled sadly at her before letting go, accepting her fate in hope of saving Elsa. Though Elsa wanted to chase after sinking friend, the blood of victims were too thick around her. Water pushed her from all side and she's trying to survive, clawing for the distant surface.

She don't know why she was the only one uninjured, or at least the closest to the surface. All that she knew was that she must survive and return to her family. She can't save anyone. She can barely save herself. Then the water surface broke and someone, a strange glowing man in torn clothes looking around with wide green eyes full of horror and despair and guilt. He looked like the North Star and Elsa forced her drowning body at him as if following Venus itself.

He found her and he started swimming towards her.

Her lungs gave up at that point and she couldn't stop the last of her breath from slipping out of her lips. But before she could gasp in water, he crashes his lips against her and breathed cold air into her lungs as if breathing in winter into her. He then started pulling her faster to the surface.

She swore that she must be hallucinating as he was flying with her to the rocky shore. He placed her on the shore and he was crying over her. Cold rain fell on her equally freezing cheeks as he sobbed over her.

"I'm sorry! It's all my fault! I'm sorry! Please live! Please live! It's all my fault!"

Elsa don't know why he's crying or why everything's his fault or why he think that. All she knew was that he must be an angel sent to rescue her. She reached up to wipe his tears away before smiling and forcing her lips to whisper, willing him to hear her, "T-thank you...angel,"

"I'm not-! Why would you-?!"

Elsa can't hear anymore. All she knew was that she's alive and was given a second chance in life. It was only once she woke up on the hospital bed surrounded by her family did she grieved for her lost friend. For a year, she blamed herself for being alive while Honeymaren sacrificed herself to shield her from whatever it was that had crashed against the train from an impossible direction. Even today, no one knew what caused the accident that claimed 36 lives. And Elsa was considered a miracle as she was found on a rock, unconscious but alive, despite being in the same cabin that claimed the most lives...with only her as the sole survivor of said train cabin with minor injuries.

It wasn't something that she found pride in. If anything, she begged her parents to move away from the area so people will stop praising her for surviving. To Elsa, she shouldn't have survived. Her survivor guilt caused her to clam up and almost destroyed her familial bond. Fortunately, her family never gave up on her and Elsa found therapy in ice skating. She then moved on and became a figure skater in her free time.

The accident happened a decade ago. She recently turned 22.


Elsa made her land from her Axel jump and twisted towards Anna who stood at the edge of the ice rink, waving excitedly like she just inhaled a bakery of sugars. Elsa smiled at her sister, the one person who never leave her side beside her parents no matter how mean Elsa get the years after the accident. Because of this, Elsa was extreme affectionate with Anna, though sometimes she can get carried away and made Anna feel like a child.

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