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Dante Melinoe Khaos;-

The name came from Danny's acceptance of becoming Dan but also changing it from just Dan to Dante. He added 'Melinoe' as his middle name as a nod to his ghost side since Melinoe is the Greek Goddess of Ghost. Khaos was referring to the chaotic Ghost Zone.

His 'Full' Form;-

Danny's form was also a result of his acceptance of his state of existence being that of a ghost and no longer human or full human. Although originally, had he only focused on the destruction that created his new state of mind, he would have appeared as Dan but since he focused on Elsa's words instead, it reflected in his form; an Angel. This was where the outward appearance of a ghost came from that also hinted on their Obsession. It was also the day that his human side fully 'died' as he resolved to become a monster in hope of stopping the madness that was happening. Because of this, his Danny Phantom appearance morphed into his current form. Where else before he obsessed on staying human and later split his two sides into Fenton and Phantom, thus creating the double identities. Even when the GIW's experiment caused his two sides to merge, he still tried to stay human as he was still holding on to the belief that embracing his ghost nature would turn him into Dan. So when his human side resigned that he could not stay human or hold onto his human limitations, it 'died'.

Originally Danny only have a pair of black wings, seeing himself as more of a Fallen Angel than a proper Angel due to the things he had to do. But when he realized that he needed power to wrestle the brainwashed ghosts and supernaturals from the GIW's control, he decided to confront Pariah Dark to become the new Ghost King. His mental state also altered and he changed from a Fallen Angel into a Seraphim. Thus the creation of 6 pure white wings made of his power.


Danny used all sorts of weapons in his fight against the GIW. However, he soon came to the realization that his enemies would only analyze his man made weapons and figure out a counter. The only one they have problem with was the Soul Shredder of Fright Knight. However, they will often carry a pumpkin of some sort to counter that, although that was easily destroyed with a well aimed ecto-ray.

In the end, the only other item that they could not destroy easily or seal easily was one that Danny will always have on his person; the Crown of Fire. Since it had morphed to resemble a halo, Danny further made use of it and turned it into a chakram that resembled the Star of Chaos. It can change size from as large as a giant wheel to a traditional sized one. Since it was a part of him, he can lose it in battle and still reclaim it.

But the Crown of Fire wasn't the only thing he weaponized. He also made use of his wings and the 'feathers' he generated. Although it will fall all over, the agents sent after Danny quickly learned to be wary as Danny can turn his 'feathers' into a storm of razor sharp blades that he can control with his telekinesis or possess someone by 'infecting' them with the 'filaments' of his 'feathers', even being able to track them using the same method. His wings were also his best shield as not only can it shield him but also shield whoever was nearest to him using his remaining wings.


Danny might be in hiding but he also learned to hide in plain sight. He had his tattoos inked onto his skin by Johnny 13 as a way to remind himself of his mission. He also tattooed the words 'KING' and 'HUNT' to not lose sight of his purpose and his reason for being where he was. KING was to remind him of his duty to the ghosts stranded in the human world. HUNT was to remind him of his hunted state and his hunter status.

His latest addition, 'Elsa', was to remind himself that he have someone waiting for him and that he was unconditionally loved despite his dark secrets and his double lives. That even though it might be hard now, she was still waiting for him to come back. It became a habit of his to kiss his left pulse as a prayer that he will come home to her as himself.

He would one day come home and found his own name, 'Danny', on the pulse of her left wrist in his own signature that he once wrote for her on a napkin, one that he would never use besides that one time.


Elsa Aputsiak Glød;-

Elsa's name was actually a nod to Ahtohallan as it is believed by the Northuldra people that Ahtohallan guards the truth and Elsa's name means 'Truth'. Aputsiak was a Greenlandic named she shared with a great-grandmother from Greenland meaning 'snow crystal' but also meaning 'beautiful snow'. It was given to her due to her fair appearance in comparison to her rather warm looking family members. It was also a nod to that same great-grandmother whose coloring she shared. In Norwegian, Glød means 'blaze' but it's noun also means 'spirit'. It wasn't a common knowledge but Elsa's family was descended from the former royal family of Arendelle when it was just a small kingdom before Norway adsorbed it as a vassal state.


Even amongst family and friends, Elsa was praised as very beautiful. But when young, she had anxiety and so Agnarr sent her to numerous classes to help build up her confidence. Because of this, Elsa knew that she was beautiful but did not find a need to use it to get what she wanted. She could but she believed that her skills and intelligence should come first. And although she have a taste for fashion, she seldom style herself excessively. Considering the fact that she mostly frequent the library for research, she preferred to wear comfortable clothes over fashionable ones. These tended to hide her figure.

Elsa liked skirts and dresses, though she would wear pants and jeans when the occasion called for it. She would dress up in pretty dresses even without an occasion simply because she liked the design. But in a way, she build a mask of confidence by dressing confidently. She still have her moments of anxiety but she have learned to overcome it through the many lessons from her childhood. Even though they did become worse in the few years after the accident, family support and good friends helped her overcome it.


Besides the accident caused by Danny and her subsequent depression as well as her survival guilt, Elsa lived a fairly normal life. She was raised by a loving family and grew up in a healthy environment. Growing up, Elsa was mesmerized by tales of Ahtohallan and the mystical Enchanted Forest that guarded the great spirit. Because of this, she aspired to be an expert in mythology. But at the same time, she wanted to save the forest that the Northuldra people called home and so decided to use her knowledge in mythology to inspire other people to save the forest. Even if people do not believe in spirits, the might see the wonder of an untouched forest.

Elsa held quite a large guilt from pushing her family away after the accident. She realized that shutting them out was hurting them as much as it hurt her. It took her years to open up again and she took that lesson to heart. Because of this experience, she believed that people deserved a second chance but only if they work to earn it. This also lead to her being rather passive towards antagonistic people but was quick to react once they hurt those close to her or crossed the line that she had drawn rather clearly.

She was also a careful person. Not as paranoid as Danny but she had learned from a young age to read a person's intention from watching the people approaching her parents. Because of this, people tended to say that she was cold and unapproachable. But it was more that she can tell when someone was insincere towards her. Unfortunately for Elsa, she have never met someone who intended to hide their intention from her or someone who had learned to stay cool even in a life or death situation. That someone being Danny.

But prolonged exposure to Danny's dual nature also taught her to read when someone was hiding something or trying to gaslight her. It was extremely helpful as even though she let it go when it comes to Danny, it helped keep her safe whenever she came across people that 'felt' like Danny. The only reason she let things go with Danny was because of her confidence and trust in his intention towards her; that being to keep her safe.

About Danny's duality;-

It wasn't that it did not bother her. She wasn't a simpleton. But it was more that she understood his reasoning as well as the fact that she was too selfish to let him go off on his own. Elsa loves Danny more than anything, besides her family, and she wanted him to know that he will always have a place beside her. She also felt responsible for the path his life had taken after her unexpected involvement in his altered state of mind. Because of this, she wanted to ease his pain by being the part of his life that have nothing to do with the messy side. In a way, her ignorance brought him an ease of mind and she thrived in giving him that.

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