
14 2 0

Washington DC

September 2029

Trigger Warning : Gun Violence

People are so stupid.

The boy smiled coldly as his shrewd eyes swept over his classroom.

Look at them all. The dumb chirpy girls with their perfect hair and bright fake smiles and cold black hearts. Their cold decaying hearts.

The idiot boys who strut around the campus like they think they own the whole place. Always with some nasty well thought out well planned insult upon their lips.

They think they are just little kings and queens in their prominent kingdom. And surrounding them were their servants. And a lot of those servants were the damn teachers.

His fingers tightened around the nicely sharpened number two pencil that he always carried. He preferred pencil and paper to any type of tech item. He hated tech almost as much as he hated people. He always made certain he had enough pencils , pens , notepads and highlighters. They were all packed perfectly in his organized backpack. Order was important. Order was essential. Order separated the real kings from the pawns. The real kings from the peons. Like him. He was a real king.

And like a king it was time for him to administer proper justice. They would all learn today who controlled whom. He would control them all. Even the ones too stupid to know it. He would go down as a legend in the Academy's history.

A true legend. A real king.

He dropped the pencil down hard. He enjoyed the sound it made as it fell to his desktop. The noise broke the quiet in the business classroom where they were working on some idiot design for their dream business. His teacher Theodore Walton Fisher , Mr. W-F as the students all called him , Dancing Theo , was sitting behind his desk with his nose in a thick book as they all worked. He laughed inwardly. Did they really pay the man for that ? The man looked dead at him with one of his eyebrows raised in a question. Always with the questions. His teacher loved questions. He was always telling them " there was no such thing as a stupid question ". Which was a lie. Adults always lied to them. He wanted them to ask questions. To question everything. Too bad most of his classmates were too moronic and vapid to come up with a clever question to intrigue even Dancing Theo. The man was pathetic. Just a old boring loser of a man who could not aspire to anything better than a corny little three star private school for the rich and ignorant.

The boy smiled widely. It was time.

He reached into his bookbag and wrapped his steady hand around it.

They were all so stupid. Even Dancing Theo. But they should thank him. He was about to make them all famous. And himself infamous.

He pulled out the 45 he had taken from his father's prized gun collection that morning. Another idiot. His father didn't have a clue it was missing.

He stood up with the gun lifted like he had seen actors holding it on tv and movies. He wished he was recording this. He bet he looked so Gucci holding this gun. He stood up regally like the king he was and was always meant to be. He winked at her as he shot the silly girl that always sat next to him in class. The one who had turned him down for homecoming.

" Whose next ? , " he scowled , swinging his gun around to his teacher who was now standing up too , his book forgotten. " Lock the door , Dancing Theo. It's my class now. "

Theo looked at the sixteen year old boy with the gun. His heart was thudding so hard he could literally hear it. The gun was pointed at his head unwaveringly as he moved to the door to his classroom and against his best judgment locked it. As he bolted the door he could hear the sound of his colleagues running out of their own classrooms , shouting. They would get help , Theo thought. It would be ok.

" Derek. It's alright. You don't want to hurt anyone else. In fact we need to get Lindy some help. She's bleeding badly. Let me get her help. "

The boy was only sixteen. Lindy was only sixteen. She was on the cold hard tiled floor and she wasn't moving. Her face was so pale. Her big blue green eyes were open wide and looking up at the ceiling. Was she ok ? Theo took a closer step to the fallen girl and Derek fired another shot at his feet.

" Stay where you are , Dancing Theo. This is my class now. I am the teacher now. I am the King now. I am God. " Derek laughed harshly. " As God I judge you all and find you guilty of sins committed to and against me. Your punishment is death. "

The other students all screamed as they tried to huddle under their desks. Some were texting their parents. Theo stopped moving and suddenly saw his six year old daughter in the elementary division of the school and his twelve year old son in the middle school division. He saw his husband smiling at him that morning.

( " I love you , darling , " Reed had said before they kissed goodbye for the day. " I love you , sweetie. " )

He couldn't be dying today. No. Not today. He was planning Reed's surprise fifty seventh birthday next month. He was going to buy his princess Baylee a new dress to wear to the party. He was going to help Benji with algebra or maybe Benji would help him understand it being a math and science whiz. He couldn't die today.

" Derek , you sound upset , " he said softly , quietly , firmly. " Let's talk about this. There's no reason for anyone else to get hurt. Let me get Lindy help. Then we'll talk. I'll help you , son. "

" I am not your son. You are not in charge , old man. I am. I run things here. See how fast you locked that door. Because you know you must not disobey the king. You must not disobey God. This is my class now. And I have a lesson planned that none of you idiots will ever forget. "

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