Chapter Five

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Special Edition Of The Washington Post

Mass Shooting At Exclusive DC Private School Of The Rich And Famous

Seventeen Young Students Reported Dead , The Sole Survivor Is Their Teacher

Special Edition Of The Washington Reign

BRUTAL GUNPLAY Today At The Academy 17 DEAD , 1 Survived

Breaking News

NBC Washington

This is Ramona Reynolds outside of the home of what we now know is the sole survivor of the worst mass shooter experience to ever happen at a local city school. Theodore Walton Fisher is the luckiest man tonight. Simply because he is still alive. There is no police confirmation of the shooter's identity or even if he was even a student at the prominent private school. The mayor's office is working alongside the MPD as a sort of go between to help parents get information on their loved ones tonight. It's quiet right now at The Academy because most parents have been allowed past police blockades to collect their undoubtedly terrified children. Some parents are up in arms about the poor security at what is billed as the safest private school in the city. There are even people blaming Mayor St. Austin's poor record on crime as the cause of this tragic event. There will be a press conference at City Hall to start shortly with the mayor , his deputy mayor and police officials as we try to piece together more information on all this. We can confirm that the mayor's two children are safe and sound tonight even though they are students at the school and were there today. We also can confirm that the President's daughter M.J. Keller is reported safe and sound today because she was out sick today. Academy principal Miquel Sandoval has issued a school wide email as well cancelling all classes at the school tomorrow.

Anchorwoman : Ramona , I hear there are already vigils of some type setting up at the school. Can you confirm this ?

Yes. Yes. I can say this is true. People from the school community and even the outside community are coming down to leave candles , teddy bears , homemade crosses. The mayor's office is also going to do a prayer vigil at the school for the victims in a few days. This is a true tragedy. Yes it is. Wait..... Louise , I'm getting confirmation that we now know the identity of the shooter. The shooter has been identified as sixteen year old Derek Masterson , son of Royce Masterson who is as we all know the Chief of Defense and Pentagon Chief. His mother is Amanda Masterson who is an emergency room doctor at George Washington University Hospital Center. Young Derek is also reported dead from a self inflicted wound.

Reed turned the tv in the bedroom off.

" I was watching that , " his husband Theo said as he lay on their bed , clutching his hypo allergenic pillow like it was some type of magical lifeline. " They're talking about it. "

Reed watched Theo with growing concern. " I know. That's why I turned it off. It's bad enough those vipers are still outside our house. I made dinner. It's just leftovers. I heated up leftovers. Spaghetti. You want some ? You haven't eaten since we came home. "

Theo closed his eyes and saw Derek looming over him with the gun. He quickly reopened his eyes. " I'm not hungry. I'm fine. "

Why should , he thought , he eat when his kids were.........

Why did he lock the door ? Why did he not protect his kids ? Why was he still alive and they weren't ?

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