Chapter Ten

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On Monday morning Theo stood in the open doorway of his newly cleaned classroom.

( " Lock the door. " )

He closed his eyes and reopened them again. He was suddenly having a tough time breathing. He was also fighting off a strange urge to burst out with a bout of hysterical laughter that he knew would end up as sobbing.

Maybe Reed was right. Maybe it was too soon. Maybe. But when exactly was the right time?

" Theodore? " He turned to see who was calling his name. He also stepped quickly into his classroom even before he turned. Did he need a weapon? , his mind trilled before he saw that it was a fellow high school division teacher Glory Fletcher. She was an avid US History teacher and could often be seen on sunny days outside with her own classes. If Theo was considered the most approachable staff member at the Academy then Glory was easily the rebel. She so often said to hell with textbooks and assigned her students the most obscure historical books to read and study and analyze. The administration and parents disliked the tall shapely biracial woman with her hippie clothes and cascading chestnut brown hair but the students all loved her. Glory was always two steps away from being fired. Aside from Lane and Beulah she was Theo's favorite coworker and one he considered a friend.

" Theo? Are you ok ? You look pale ? Even for a White boy.  You want me to call your better half Reed ? " 

He swallowed harshly. Ok. He needed to get over this shit fast. He couldn't live like this for much longer. And he really didn't think Reed could live like this much longer. Unlike his students he was the lucky one , wasn't he ? " I'm fine , Glo. Thanks. I'm just taking it all in. "

His eyes swept over everything in the space. From his plain wooden desk and swivel chair with the creaky wheels to the posters of numerous business icons like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates with inspirational quotes  to the student desks. It looked the same. How could it look the same ? 

Glory studied him with her shrewd gaze. " Miquel is full of horse shit. We teachers lead by your friend Lane tried to convince him to move your classroom but he refused. I swear I wish Beulah was principal instead. Miquel is good with parents and numbers and raising funds but he will never back up us teachers. You should have had more time off and you should not be coming back to this room. I offered to switch rooms. Several teachers did. We love and support you , Theodore. Especially after what you saw. " 

" I'm fine , " he lied. He liked Glory but he wished she would stop talking right now.  Lord. Everyone kept talking about it. That was all they did. When they weren't staring at him like he was a ticking time bomb about to go off. " It's all fine. My father always said to never waste time. Just jump back into life and start living it again. " 

Glory nodded at him but her eyes said she didn't believe a word. " Right. Well if you need anything remember I'm two doors down. Give a holler and I come running fast. Hell you holler and we all come running. "

He thanked her. He was glad she returned to her class though. He stepped more into the room and left his worn briefcase on the floor besides the desk. Then another familiar face came slinking into the class. The pallid and oddly reserved looking First Daughter MJ Keller who for once was wearing the regulated Academy uniform. No Dancing Theo tee shirts. No obscure rock 'n roll tee shirts. Her blue eyes were red rimmed from crying and her short spiky now emerald green hair looked like her fingers had been tearing through it. Theo remembered that she had been very close to Lindy Phelps and Bettina Collins. She was also close to Preston Masterson , the killer's younger brother. Her dark suited secret service agent positioned himself near the door looking mean , nasty and very tense. MJ didn't find her usual seat. She stood by his desk and looked everywhere but at him. That was rare for the sixteen year old girl who took pleasure in staring adults dead in their eyes until the adults broke the gaze out of discomfort. He thought she looked like she was hiding something but he shook that thought off. She was just grieving , he thought. Like all of them. 

" How are you , Mr. W-F ? , " she asked , her fingers fiddling with the strap of her brand new multi colored backpack that she wore on one shoulder. 

" I'm fine , M.J. Thank you for asking. How are you ? "

She choked out rapidly , " Ok. I wasn't there that day. I was sick. Since covid my parents freak if I sneeze. It was just a cold. Or allergies. Or whatever. Pres was sick too. I still can't believe it. I miss Lindy and Bettina. I miss them all. I think Jack James was going to ask me out. Now he never will. I even kinda miss Derek. He wasn't ...... as creepy as people thought. I..... I...... never thought he would ever do it. "

None of them had. " How is Preston doing ? I saw on news they buried his brother. "

" Ok. I guess. My dad won't let me talk to him anymore. Which isn't fair , Mr. W-F. I told him Pres doesn't have a lot of friends. Any really. Except me. And he didn't do it. Derek did. But he won't even listen. "

Theo could understand the president's stance. If was Baylee or Benji he and Reed would probably do the same. Unfair or not. You had to protect your kids. Even if you didn't know exactly what you were protecting them from. He did feel sorry for Preston Masterson though. The boy reminded him of himself in high school. Preston was socially awkward and painfully shy but smart as a whip. So smart he had skipped a year ahead to be a junior just like M.J. Just like his dead brother Derek. Of course that meant Preston was probably the target of bullies. As much as the Academy tried to deny it there was bullying at the school that went on. It was mainly off campus and on social media especially on the new Facebook styled app for teens called My World. None of the students had ever come forward with any claims of bullying though. Not to him anyway and most of the high school students talked to him or Glory. He hated to admit it but part of him was surprised that it had been Derek that snapped and not Preston. 

Speaking of which Preston Masterson crept into the classroom looking evasive like he had just robbed a bank. But the fifteen year old boy usually looked like that. The other students also filed in and made sure to keep away from Preston. Theo could see most of them staring at both Theo and Preston while whispering to each other. As they took their seats Theo went over to Preston and said , " How are you doing , son ? "

( " I'm not your son." )

The boy looked at him nervously. Then he smiled in a way that made Theo want to back up. Back all the way up and right back to the safety of his home. The smile reminded him of Derek. 

( " It's not finished yet. " )

" Fine , Mr. W-F. " 

They both knew that Preston was lying. 


Journal Entry

The King is dead. God I miss Derek. He was my hero , my savior , my bestie. He had fought for me since elementary school. I wish I was with him now. But if the next phase of the plan went well I will be. I hate this stupid business class. I hate Dancing Theo always babbling about money and business and taxes and dumb shit like that. Why did we need to know any of that boring shit ? When Phase 2 went down none of that would matter. Derek went down in history and so would I. They'd make a movie about us. Maybe a bad ass book. Nah. Who reads anymore ? A movie is better. But unlike Derek I am not dumb enough to let Dancing Theo live. 

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