Chapter Nineteen

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The next day started out fairly promising. Theo had actually woke up feeling more like his old king of clumsy geeks self. Yeah he tripped over the throw rug on his way to the bathroom but that was pretty much normal for him. He liked feeling normal again. Or as close to normal as he could get. Maybe it was the wonderful night of lovemaking with Reed and that he had no nightmares afterwards. Maybe it was having talked to Matt and Reed yesterday. 

Theo told Reed he was making the therapy appointment and he was a man of his word. He called the doctor and made an appointment for next week. He even had texted his sister with two words " Thank You ". 

His classes were going well too. His new burst of energy and relaxation was reflected in his teaching.  He had even had the guts to go to Miquel before his first class and asked - no demanded - a new classroom. Miquel had went on and on about the logistics of such a move etc etc etc until Theo threatened to quit. That changed Miquel's tune ; he hated having to hire new teaching staff and they all knew that. It was why Glory stayed employed at the Academy. Miquel said he could switch with Glory next week. " Or earlier , " Miquel said with a constipated look on his handsome olive toned face , " just leave my office now. "

Now he was settled at his desk in his classroom that wouldn't be his classroom soon between classes , grading papers and homework assignments. He was still relaxed but his easy smile slipped a little as he read Preston's homework essay. He pushed back his glasses on his nose so he could see it better. The boy's essays were always very good. He had a good imagination and was a talented writer. But , he thought idly , as his eyes scanned the black print words closer. There was something different about this one. There was something a tad off. What though ? 

( " He can put clues in writings. " )

( " Separate every other word to create a hidden message. " )

( " It's cool. " )

Theo had always been good at figuring out puzzles. He did the New York Times crossword and Sudoku on his phone every morning. The harder the better. They intrigued him. Just like this essay was intriguing him. Was the boy sending him a message of some type ?

He started to reread it once more. This time more carefully. Word by word. 

Until he saw it. 

His heart almost stopped. Dear God. Dear Lord in heaven. No.

( " It's not finished yet. " )









Theo dropped the paper on his desktop and stood up quickly. Then he ran out of his classroom.

( " It's not over yet. " )

Stop. It.

The gym. 

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