Chapter Fourteen

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Preston Masterson was almost having a panic attack.

He stood by his vandalized locker staring at the black suited secret service agent who paced nervously before the half closed door to the business classroom. Shit. Why was MJ talking to Mr. W-F ? Why was the agent outside the room ? Where was she? What were they talking about?

He worried and his palms began to dampen with a lot of sweat.

" Hey , lil dude ," he heard from next to him and he groaned. Why couldn't Scott leave him alone? Why couldn't everyone leave him alone? He didn't do anything! " What's up? You need a ride home? "

Preston knew what he had to do. He really hadn't known that Derek was serious. If he had known...... That didn't matter now anyway. He couldn't change the past. Maybe he could change the future. Maybe. For all their sakes.

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