Chapter Six

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Derek Masterson was still alive.

Everyone had made a big mistake assuming his reign of terror was done and over with. He had made a mistake. The boy was still alive.

He was still alive and he was still in Theo's classroom. And he was out to finish the job he had started.

Theo's heart thudded heavily in the short slim cage that was his body. He hid behind his desk in the classroom once again. He hid and he prayed and he cried.

( " I like it when you cry , Dancing Theo. " )

From his hiding place he watched the boy. The tall lanky young boy with his unremarkable angular face and his buzzed cut military style brownish blond hair. He watched the gun in his hand. Theo hated guns. He wasn't like Matt or Saint. He hated those evil things and didn't want them in his house around the kids. It had been hell growing up in Texas feeling this way. Everyone there loved guns so much. Even his family. He watched the boy killer smile coolly.

( " It's not over yet. " )

He felt the boy pull him out from behind the desk. He felt the gun pressed against his temple.

" Derek , " Theo said. He sounded like he was begging. He knew he was begging. He didn't care if he was begging right now. " Derek ? Don't do this. Why are you doing this ? I have a family ! Please ! I don't want to die ! "

Derek ripped off Theo's glasses. He threw them down on the blood covered floor next to the dead bodies of all his poor students. His kids...... His kids.......

" You won't be needing these anymore. Wouldn't want the bullet to bounce off them and hit an innocent bystander huh ? "

Theo watched as the boy stood back and pulled back the trigger on the gun. Theo began to scream.

NO !

NO !

NO !

Then he woke up , panting hard , his nude body except for his boxer shorts wrapped clumsily within the very tangled sheets and blanket on their bed. No , his mind kept screaming.

Reed reached out for him , asking , " Theo ? Are you ok ? " Then Reed swallowed back a sudden curse. " That's a stupid question. Sorry. Of course you're not ok. Why should you be ? You're not ok but you're safe. "

Reed pulled him into his own arms and held his trembling husband. He was ready to comfort. Ready to protect. Ready to do anything for this man. He just didn't know exactly what to do to make it better again. How could he make Theo somehow forget the horror he had witnessed in the one place he and his students should have been safe ? " You're safe , darling , you're very safe. I'm here. "

" Why , ' Theo cried out , his fingers digging solidly into Reed's bare dark brown shoulders as he held on so tightly. " Why did he kill them all ? Why ? "

Why didn't he kill him too ? , Theo wanted to ask but couldn't get the words to form on his lips. He had had his past experiences with killers but this was far worse to him. He should be dead right now. Shouldn't he ? Why did Derek kill everyone and then himself but let Theo live still ?

( " Someone has to tell the story. But it's not finished yet."  )

" Why , " Theo whimpered slightly as he finally fell back into a troubled sleep in Reed's arms.

Why indeed , Reed thought. His own heart ached for Theo's sorrow and all the terror that boy had left behind.

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