Chapter Thirteen

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It was the end of a long day attempting to inspire his gossiping texting students when she appeared in his classroom.

Theo looked up from the classroom assignments he was currently grading with his trademark green ink pen. He was in the middle of a lengthy comment on one when he looked up and saw the president's daughter.

MJ was minus her secret service agent which was odd. She said he was waiting in the hallway and that he better not be spying on her. Then she shut his door. That move made him very uneasy. He liked the perky smart girl but he disapproved of being alone in any room with a student. Especially ones of the opposite sex. And after the shootings the last thing he wanted was to be alone in a room with any one student.  Putting the unease aside, he stood up and went to the door and opened it just a little bit.

" What can I do for you," Theo asked.

She dropped her heavy bookbag on the floor and shrugged. She wouldn't meet his eyes. " I need to talk , Dancing Theo. "

Theo swallowed hard. He bet he knew what topic she wanted to talk about. He was starting to hate this topic. " Fine. I'm actually free now. I should be going home anyway but I have time. What's on your mind,MJ ?"

She remained standing. Her next words stunned him so much. " I feel so weird. Like it was my fault. I should have told someone. But I thought it was just a joke. I'm so sorry what happened to my friends. What you saw. I'm sorry. "

" About what? "

" About Derek. What he did. I think I knew. I'm so sorry. "

Theo pressed his hand to his forehead which was starting to throb. He didn't need this right now. He really didn't. He wanted to be anywhere but here. He should be home. Planning Reed's party. Reading a story to Baylee. Listening to Benji complain about school or adults. Talking to Matt who he actually was starting to miss. Listening to Charles br critical of his clothes. He wanted his life back. His pre shooting life. He was tired of being trapped in this one moment in time.

But he stayed and listened compassionately to the young girl as she confided in him. Apparently she had overhead Preston and his brother discussing something that Derek had teasingly said about " becoming an Academy legend". When she had asked what he meant they both had shut up about it. Derek had just told her to mind her own business. Preston said later it was just one of his brother's pranks.

" I believed it. I mean Derek was always playing jokes on people. They just never knew it. Like the time he and Scott filled the school pool with lime green jello. I thought it was going to be like that. He could be funny when he wanted. I never thought he would..... I just never thought......"

Theo had to ask. It was an obvious question really. In his heart he didn't want to know the answer because he genuinely liked this kid. " Was Preston involved? "

MJ nibbled at her bottom lip. " I don't think so. Pres isn't like that! He's not mean. All he thinks about is his puzzles and his codes. You know he can put clues in ordinary writing. You separate every other letter to create a hidden message. It's so Gucci. People think he's weird but they are wrong. He's sweet. Now Derek was different. His pranks were funny but kinda mean at times too. And he could get on the craziest things sometimes. He always thought people were out to get him. He had lists. People who he thought screwed him. He scared me at times but Pres told me he was harmless. He said his brother was always like that. He just thought too much Pres said. I bet Pres thought it was a joke too. "

Theo spoke before thinking. " It wasn't a joke. MJ ,you need to go home and call Lieutenant Juan Ramirez of homicide. He's trying to figure out what happened so it will never happen again. You might help him do that. "

( " It's not finished yet ".)

MJ sighed. " I don't want to get Pres in trouble but..... Ok. I will if you think I should. "

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