Chapter Seventeen

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That night as Theo and Reed washed dishes in their cozy plant filled kitchen after a delicious dinner of spaghetti and meatballs prepared by Reed Theo startled his husband by apologizing to him.

Reed looked at him with concern. He tossed down the colorful dish towel and reached out for him. He pulled Theo so close he could feel his heart beating. Reed asked softly," Sorry for what, darling?"

Theo rested his head on Reed's chest and whispered," For the way I have been acting lately. I can't help it. I just can't. "

" I know that, baby. You are entitled to your feelings. You've been through hell. What you witnessed. When I think of how close I came to losing you....... Don't apologize. Not for that. You're my hero. Because you get up every day and you go on living. I'll never be as strong as you are. "

" I don't feel strong. I still see him in my sleep. I even see him when I am awake. When does this one boy stop renting space in my head? "

Reed closed his eyes. " I don't know. I just don't know. I wish I did. I wish I could take it all away for you. I wish I could go back and change time. "

" I'm going to make an appointment with the therapist Grace recommended. Tomorrow. Not that one at the Academy. She looks at me with pity. I don't want to be pitied! I've been pitied all my life. Even by me. I could handle that pity though. I don't want to be pitied for this. I don't want to be remembered when I die as the teacher who survived a terrible school shooting. Not by the public. Not by my family and friends. Not by you. "

Reed tightened his hold on his husband. " I have never pitied you. I just love you. And don't fret , darling. In the end you won't be remembered for this. You'll be remembered for Dancing Theo. And being the Gay Miss Marple. "

" Fuck ," he laughed into Reed's chest.

And Reed joined him in the laughter.

They held each other in the kitchen while giggling like two middle aged children.

Their children watched them from the doorway.

" Papa's gonna be ok ? ," Baylee mumbled around her small chubby thumb.

Benji watched their fathers. Then he nodded. " Yeah. I think so. Dad's right. Papa is a hero. They both are. "

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