Chapter Twenty

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The only two people in the Academy gymnasium were Preston Masterson and Scott Turner. They were standing near the bleachers. They were arguing. Scott held a tame and rather ordinary backpack. But he was already wearing a backpack of his own.

" It's over , Turner ! , " he heard Preston say as he snatched hold of Scott's arm roughly. " Give it up ! You're not Derek ! "

Scott laughed harshly. " Fuck you , Pressy. Derek was wrong about you. He thought you had promise like him. But you're just weak. Like the rest of them. And just like them you're going to die today. I will go down in history along with your brother. They'll talk about us forever. The reigning kings of the Academy ! "

" Not today , " Theo said as he strode over to them. " Not today. Give me that bag , son. "

Both boys turned to look at him. Preston looked relieved and remorseful. Scott was angry.

" Fuck you , old loser , " Scott spit out tersely. Then he broke Preston's grip and dropped the backpack on the floor. " It doesn't matter. I can make it go off from anywhere. Catch me. If you can , Gramps. " Then he took off running with a handheld device that he took out of his pocket. Preston chased after him , calling for help. Any help.

Leaving Theo with the backpack that oddly enough sounded like it was ticking. Oh dear God. It was ticking. It was a bomb. His children. His colleagues. His students.

( " It's not over yet. " )

Yes it was , he thought as he snatched up the bag and ran with it. He ran through the gym all the way to the massive football field that was thankfully empty. No practice yet thank God. He ran fast and prayed hard and when he was as far from the school as he could get he threw it in the wind.

Right before it exploded.

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