Chapter One

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                 ( Texts )

Lane: Charlie, there's an active shooter on the campus. The cops are here. The campus is locked down. I'm locked in my classroom with my kids. Fuck. The shot came from Theo's class. There was a shot.

Charles: I know. It's on the news. It's on every news. They have that whole area locked down. Nobody in or out. Are you alright?

Lane: I'm fine. My kids are fine. We're just scared. God I hope Theo and his kids are ok. They train us for this but it never seemed real. Oh my God. I love you, Charles.

Charles: I love you too. Theo will be fine. He has more lives than a cat.


Saint: M. There's a shooting at the Academy.

Matt : What! I was working on my latest cookbook and had the tv off. What's going on? The kids......

Saint: The area around the school is locked off. Even to parents. I can't even get through. The MPD thinks it's a hostage situation. One shot fired. From Theo's classroom.

Matt : Oh my God. Theo. Livvie. Kyle. Benji. Baylee. Lane. Are they ok ? Saint, are they ok !


Reed : Theo ? If it's safe please text me back. Are you ok ? Please be ok ? I love you. Don't you dare leave me.


Breaking News
NBC Washington
We're here reporting live on the ongoing school shooting and hostage crisis at esteemed private school Buford P. Lewis which is located in a usually safe and secure area. We have heard various reports of more shots being fired from one of the classrooms. Captain Meg Rhodes has reportedly lost contact with the shooter and hostage taker. We have unconfirmed reports that the incident is taking place in the high school division of the school. In the business classroom. There's from I'm told one teacher and maybe as many as nineteen students in the classroom. Wait.... The police are apparently now rushing the school. The school and the immediate area is still locked down according to the MPD and Mayor St. Austin's office. The mayor is said to be monitoring this situation. He also has children inside the school. Things are not looking good right now so I advise everyone to completely avoid this area. The mayor's office has asked that all parents please contact his office for information instead of coming down to the school. We will have more information as it comes in.

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