Chapter Twenty Two

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The Academy was once again front page news locally , nationally and even internationally due to the explosion. A situation that the board of directors was not happy about at all. They were so displeased that they immediately approved the principal and vice principal's request for more security. And they were also tossing in top notch metal detectors as well. They were just thankful nobody had been killed or seriously hurt. It could have been so much worse if it wasn't for the very quick thinking of both Theodore and Preston.

While running after Scott through the hallways of the school Preston had attracted a crowd. Preston had screamed , " He has a bomb ! " At that point half the football team and all the soccer team had then jumped on Scott almost at the same moment that he hit the device button. Luckily there was no real damage to the school thanks to Theo getting the rigged backpack away and throwing it.

For about three hours Theo had been unable to hear anything but a very faint ringing which had terrified both himself and his loved ones. As time passed his hearing did return gradually. Unfortunately it was in time to field hysterical calls from his mother , his sister and even his newly discovered mob boss brother. The mob boss brother Jacob Giadello had actually flown on his private plane to DC to appear unexpectedly in Theo's hospital room.

Scott Turner was being held as a juvenile for the bombing. He refused to talk to anyone even his parents who immediately hired prominent criminal defense lawyer Lee Chung. Ramirez told everyone it was like he was pouting. Which he probably was. Ramirez and Rhodes were applying pressure on the DA's office to put the school shooting charges on him as well as an accessory. Especially once Preston told them he had been told by his brother beforehand that " he and Scott had big plans for the school ". Preston hadn't believed Derek. He had just thought it was Derek and Scott talking big as usual. He hadn't dreamed they would actually do it. Then after Derek died Scott tried to recruit him as a replacement for Derek. After the bomb attempt half the school still didn't trust Preston but he was steadily gaining supporters especially MJ and Theo. Theo pointed out that if Preston hadn't planted the clues in his essay the bomb could have done more damage. And his new girlfriend MJ Keller had finally convinced her daddy the president to let her talk to him again.


Miquel looked from the one man he never ever dreamed would be standing in his office to the very large check he held in his slightly shaking hand.

" This is .... very generous ........ , Mr. Giadello. Very , very generous. The Academy thanks you very much. And you wish to remain anonymous. "

Jacob Giadello smiled in his usual cocky fashion. He knew just the reaction he was having on the principal. He relished it.

" Well , Miquel , if I may call you Miquel , security precautions should not come cheap. Cameras. Security guards. Armed security guards. Metal detectors. I don't play about security especially when it comes to my family. Never with my family. "

His smile turned ice cold. " Do I make myself clear ? "

Miquel swallowed hard. He didn't know what was scaring him more : that he was actually entertaining a prominent member of a highly suspected mob family in his own office or that he was becoming very attracted to the mob boss. " Clear as a bell , sir. Again thank you for the donation. It's very kind. Very kind. "

" My cell number is on the back as well. Write it down. In case you desire any more funds. Or desire any assistance at all. "

Then Jacob winked sexily at him. The principal almost passed out.


Ten minutes later

( Texts )

Jacob : Miquel , do you eat ?"

Miquel : What ? Of course I eat. What a silly question. How did you get my number ?

Jacob : Stupid question for such an esteemed educator lol. Principal of the year five years running , isn't it ?

Miquel : What can I help you with , sir ?

Jacob : I'm merely inquiring if you eat. If you do I'll be in the city a few more days. I would like to meet you for dinner tonight. At a charming little French bistro in Georgetown. It's owned by an associate of mine. Do you fancy seafood or are you a red meat man ?

Miquel : It doesn't repulse me. If it's for the school we can meet certainly.

Jacob : Excellent. I'll send a car for you at seven.

Miquel : How do you know where I live ?

Jacob : Stupid question. It's a very good thing you're sexy.


Three weeks after the explosion

" So how are you sleeping , Theodore ? , " his therapist Bailey Kepnes asked from the plush armchair he was seated in across from his new client. His ever present notebook and ink pen were perched on his lap.

Theo shifted in his own chair , idly crossing his legs , hoping the gesture wouldn't be seen as nervous or defensive. Kepnes didn't miss much. No wonder Grace had recommended him. " When I sleep I do well. I can't sleep away from Reed. Not that I will ever be sleeping away from my husband. Thank God. "

Kepnes narrowed his grey eyes at him. His plain face remained motionless and expressionless. " So no more nightmares about the students ? "

" No. Not really. They come but not as much. Usually when I'm stressed about something. "

He fell back into silence. He hated silence between himself and the therapist. That was when the little man started to write the most. On their first appointment he had seen the man jot down in loosely printed words " insecure neurotic and a tad bit controlling ". He had been a little irked when he saw the words but not enough to take much offense. It was true after all. Except for the controlling part. He was not controlling. He just liked things a certain way.

He sighed deeply. " I don't like the dreams. I wish they would just stop forever. When will they stop ? "

" When you're ready for them to stop. "

" Really ? When I'm ready ? So , doc , when will I be ready ? "

Kepnes examined his patient's face carefully. " I don't know , Theodore. You have as a result of the trauma you experienced a form of PTSD. With PTSD it's not a race. The nightmares and bouts of nervousness along with the rest may go away in a few weeks. Or a few months. Or a few years. They may never go away. But in the worst case scenario I will show you how to cope with it. Around it. What do you say to that ? "

Theo couldn't help but smirk at the man. He pushed back his glasses on his nose. " What else can I say ? But I am hoping for a few days. I have a life to get back to. "

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