Chapter Eighteen

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Preston: Why were you talking to Mr. W-F ?

MJ: I wasn't aware I had to answer to you. I thought we were no longer friends. Ex bestie.

Preston: Were you talking about my brother? Of course you were. That's all anyone talks about. They always will.

MJ: Maybe. Maybe I was just talking to him about me. We all talk to him. Because he listens to us. You know?

Preston: I know.

MJ : Maybe you should talk to him. He was there. He understands. Look. If we're not besties anymore maybe you shouldn't text me anymore. It makes it harder when you diss me next time.

Preston: I know I should leave you alone. But I can't seem to. I miss you , bestie.

MJ : I miss you too, Puzzles.

Preston: I need you. More than you know.

MJ : Please talk to someone. Anyone. Talk to Dancing Theo. Before Derek takes you down too from his grave.

Preston: He already has.

MJ : No. He didn't! You're still you. I love you, doofus.

Preston: I love you too, Mary Jane Keller. Bestie.

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