Chapter Twenty One

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Mayor Zach " Saint " St. Austin ran his hand through his still thick and wavy blond hair. There was a look of intense pain on his handsome lined face. The meds were not working as well today. He tried not to move his body much. Not that it mattered. The pain was always there. So was the unsteadiness. Fuck MS. It was unbearable today. He was considering canceling his next appointments and going home early. He needed Matt to massage him. Lately Matt's gentle hands worked better than the treatments.

His office door opened quickly and in strode his deputy mayor Lindsey. She said urgently , " Saint , there is a report of an explosion at your children's school. They're locking down the area around it. "

Saint gingerly stood up and felt for his cane , saying , " I'm heading there. I'm getting my children. "

" They won't let even you in. Just emergency personnel. You know that. "

Saint snapped , " They'll let me in ! Trust ! "


Twenty minutes later

When he opened his eyes again he was laying flat on his back on the deep green grass of the Academy football field. His head hurt. It hurt a lot.

Theo Walton Fisher saw so many faces looking down at him with worry and dare he say love. He felt humbled.

The students including MJ and Preston.

His coworkers including Lane and Glory.

His children Benji and Baylee. Benji was holding his crying little sister. He may be heading into teenaged hell but he was a very good boy. Matt and Saint's kids. Kyle and Livvie looked scared. And they were holding hands. Yeah the kid was ok even with his anger issues.

He saw Lane texting on his phone. Probably to Charles.

He saw the paramedics as they tended to him , taking his vitals.

And he saw Reed on his knees by him. What was he doing here ? Did he run through another police blockade ?

He saw Rhodes and Ramirez. Rhodes looked irritated as usual. Ramirez was wearing a hideous orange suit.

He saw Saint leaning on his cane and being supported by Matt.

He saw them all.

His eyes blinked rapidly. All of a sudden he was very frightened. He saw everyone there. He saw their lips moving. But he just couldn't hear them.

He couldn't hear them. He watched as their lips moved too rapidly. Too fast and furious. He couldn't hear them.

He couldn't hear.

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