5. crush

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Rhea's pov:

Everyone got out the pool and we head back to our hotel rooms to shower before dinner. I let y/n go first and when she dissapears into the bathroom I see her sleeping stuff on the couch?

Is she seriously planning on sleeping there? I don't mind her sleeping in the same bed as me but maybe it's not a good idea.

After about 15 minutes she comes out of the bathroom again, nothing but a towel wrapped around her. I catch myself staring at her and quickly grab my stuff and head into the bathroom after her.

When I'm done I see y/n sitting on the edge of the bed. She did her makeup a little and she's wearing a dark blue strapless dress. It hugs her body perfectly.

I quickly put on my clothes too, a dark purple tee and black jeans.
I glance over at her as she grabs her purse, checking everything in it.

"Are you ready?", I asks and she nodds, she looks so beautiful and cute at the same time.
Wait what am I thinking?
She works for us. That's all, and what are the chances she even likes girls??

I talked to Dom earlier on the bus about it. Y/n is gorgeous but I genuinely don't know what to do. He told me to just ask her, I'm a pretty bold person but not in this stuff.

Y/n's pov:

We take the elevator down and all gather in the lobby. It's only a 5 minute walk to the restaurant I found.
As we're walking down the street I feel so small, Rhea is the smallest of TJD and she's taller than me. And I haven't even started on how big and muscular TJD is. It makes me feel small but safe.

We arrive at the restaurant and the woman that guides us to our table asks of she can get a picture with us. As another waitress takes the picture I feel Rhea's arm snake around my waist, pulling me closer against her.

I feel my stomach doing a flip and try not to blush. We all sit back down and order our food.
"So what's on the planning tomorrow?", Damian asks.
"Rhea and Dom have an interview at 11", I start, "then at 12 they also wanna ask you guys some questions. At 3 Rhea has a match with Liv Morgan."

"You're gonna eat her alive", Finn chuckles at Rhea and she smiles and wiggles her eyebrows.

"Oh and Damian", I quickly remind him, "somewhere in the afternoon Triple H will call you to inform you about your upcoming match."
"Okay thanks y/n", he says and smiles at me warmly.

The rest of dinner is pretty chill, they asked me how I found this job and some basic stuff to really get to know each other better. Obviously they already know everything about each other but nothing about me. It makes me feel like an intruder or something.

Dinner is over and the boys are ready to leave. "I'm quickly going to the bathroom but you can leave already", I quickly say. "I'll come with you", Rhea suggests, "u guys can go already."

Dom smirks at Rhea and she softly punches him in is side. What are they joking about? Do they gossip about me?

We walk towards the bathroom and I enter one of the stalls. When I get out again I wash my hands as Rhea is leaning against the sink. "Thanks for waiting", I quickly say and she smiles at me, "ofcourse."

Just before I walk out she grabs my arm softly to stop me. "Hey I uhm", she sounds so soft, very different from how she usually acts. Is this Demi that Dom was talking about?
"I wanted to ask you something", She says and toys with her fingers.
It's so weird to see her nervous like this. Usually I'm the nervous one when we talk.

"Do you.. no, are you... single?", she asks slowly. I chuckle and before I can answer she quickly speaks again, "I'm just asking cuz Damian told me he has a crush on you."
"Oh, well yes I'm single", I start, "but I don't date men."

Rhea lets a breath go that she had been holding this whole conversation. "Oh okay", she says and smirks at me. Suddenly her eyes go from soft blue to a darker and more dominant blue. Like she just switched personalities?

She backs me up against the sink and I shyly look away, why does she always get so close to me?
"So you're into women?", she asks while putting her fingers under my chin to make me look at her. "mhm", I simply nodd.

"Cute", she licks over her front teeth as she looks in my eyes. "You look good in this dress", she winks and holds her hand on my lower back to guide me back out the restroom.

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