24. Liv

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Y/n's pov:

There she is, sitting there and letting a fan take a selfie with her. Eating ice cream like she didn't just rearrange my insides.

Suddenly I notice the hickeys on my neck are visible. When they ask to take a picture with the both of us, I try to cover them up but it's a lost cause.

When they walk away we turn back to each other. Rhea smiles at me and leans her knee against mine under the table, "you look really cute."  I look down to hide my blushing cheeks but she bumps her knee into mine again.

Suddenly I hear a familiar voice behind me, "omg hi guys!", Liv steps in front of me and gives me a quick hug. She turns to Rhea and gives her a hug too.
"What are you guys doing here?", she asks and keeps her hand on Rhea's shoulder. "What does it look like?", she chuckles and sits back, man-spreading her legs.

Without hesitation Liv sits down on one of Rhea's legs. I feel my stomach twist with jealousy when Rhea also puts her arm around Liv's back so she doesn't fall off.

"We should totally hang out sometime!", Liv says happily. I can't really figure out the expression on Rhea's face. Why is she okay with Liv sitting there?

I feel my mood crashing below zero and go mute.

"Yeah with the three of us", Rhea tries to unclude me but I just silently finish my ice cream.

They have so much chemistry, they know each other so well and the way they look at each other makes me want to cry.

"Excuse me", I get up and walk towards the bathroom when they're too caught up in a conversation. Rhea gives me a worried look but doesn't seem to attempt to follow me.

I lock myself in the bathroom as my thoughts start racing. I'm not enough for her, they look way better together.

I text Dom and he immediately answers:

Are you doing anything rn?

no why?

can you please come pick
me up? I don't feel good

Isn't Rhea with you?

I'll explain it later

okay I'm omw


I walk back to the table where Rhea and Liv are and grab my purse. "Where are you going?", Liv asks, she has put her arm around Rhea and she just let's her.

"Dom needs me for the planning of tomorrow", I make up an excuse and try to hide that I'm on the verge of crying. But Rhea notices.

Finally Liv get's off her lap and Rhea walks to me. "What's wrong baby?", she asks and makes me face her. "Nothing", I see Dom driving past and he parks the car. "Have fun with Liv", I say and walk to the car.

I get in and when Dom starts driving, tears start pouring out my eyes.

Dom's pov:

Tears start pouring out of y/n's eyes and I pull up by the side of the road. I lean over and hug her, she hugs me back tightly and I let her calm down first before I'm gonna ask her what happened.

After a few minutes she leans back into the seat and I hand her a tissue. "Thanks", she sniffles and wipes her tears. "What happened?", I carefully ask and I see y/n's lip quiver.
"It's stupid really"
"it's definitely not stupid if it upsets you this much"
"It's Liv", she says and I immediately know what's going on. "She saw us and she sat on Rhea's lap and-", she wants to keep ranting but I place my hand on her arm to calm her, "breathe."

She takes a deep breath before she continues, "They look so much more natural together", she starts, "not only in the way they talk to each other and look at each other but they seem so-", she gets cut off as she sniffles again.
"Rhea didn't care that Liv was sitting on her lap and she even put her arm around her and stuff", she just keeps ranting.

I grab her hand, "Liv and Rhea are friends but I promise you they have nothing going on and never will again."
"How do you know?", her voice cracks and she leans her head back against the headrest.
"Liv hurt Rhea really really bad in the past, yes they are still friends but Rhea would never want anything with her anymore."

Y/n takes a deep breath, "it's just weird and confusing."
"They are good friends but Rhea just let's Liv do her thing even tho she's annoyed by her most of the time", I assure her.

It's silent for a few and I start the car again. I start driving towards the hotel but when we're almost there y/n stops me, "can we go somewhere else?"
"Ofcourse", I smile at her, "where do you wanna go?"

I have no idea what to do with this story anymore

this is unchecked so ignore the typo's

MAD // Rhea Ripley Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin