12. him

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Y/n's pov:

Demi walks in as she stretches her arms. My eyes are glued on her as she leans on the table in front of me. "What's on the planning today pet?", she ask with a raspy and low morning voice.

"See for yourself, you don't need me", I tease, "you can do it yourself anyway."
She chuckles and walks over so she can see the screen. Her hands rest on my shoulders and she slowly rubs her thumbs while scanning the schedule.
"You arranged another gym?", she asks and points at the screen. "Yeah", I smile and she leans down softly kissing my cheek before thanking me.

Dom looks at us with wide eyes, "shut up", Rhea pushes his forehead and he holds up his hands in defense, "I wasn't even saying anything!"

Not much later we arrive at the venue for tomorrow. It's currently 10am and we don't have to be anywhere until 2pm. There are some promo's today but that's it. Tomorrow Dom and Rhea face Ray and Damian will look from the side.
Finn and JD left early this morning that's why I was already awake and working.

I close my laptop and get out the bus. It's a little chilly outside and I see Rhea stepping off the bus after me, holding an extra sweater in her hand. "Here", she hands it to me, "if I catch you wearing someone else's sweater again you'll regret it."

I chuckle and put it on, it's a little big but comfy. It smells like her and brings me immediate comfort.

We enter the venue and get a little tour. as we walk past the ring I see someone in the corner of my eye. I turn my head to look but there's no one. It was probably just a shadow or something.

The tour continues and Rhea and Dom walk in front of me, they're laughing at something stupid. Suddenly I see someone walking in the corner of my eye again, is that the man from the bar last night?

My whole body shakes and I gasp as Damian puts his hand on my shoulder, "are you okay?"
I sigh, knowing it's just him, "I think I'm going crazy", I say and lightly chuckle. "Why?"
"I think I keep seeing the man from the bar all the time."
"That's just your mind playing tricks on you", he assures me and I nodd. I wish I believed him.

The tour ends and we stand by the ring while I quickly tell everyone the schedule for today and tomorrow. My mind dozes off as I see him again, he's standing at the opposite side of the venue, setting up the stage and smiling at me in a very creepy way. I get goosebumps all over my body and quickly excuse myself.

I speed walk towards the womans restroom and lock myself into a stall. I repeatedly blink my eyes to stop them from tearing up.
Does he work here? Or is he following me? How did he find me?

I hear the bathroom door open and my heart stops, a silent tear rolls down my cheek. I hear footsteps approaching and hold my breath, trying not to make any noise.

"Y/n? Are you in here?", Rhea's familiar voice echoes. I unlock the stall and when I see her face, tears start pouring out my eyes. "Rhea I swear I-", I start but she hushes me. "Calm down", she says calmly, "take some deep breaths, you're panicking."
I try to breathe but I can't seem to get air into my lungs. My hands shake and Rhea notices, she places one of her hands on my cheek and grabs my hand with the other one. She places my hand on her chest.

I feel her slow breathing pace and her heartbeat, suddenly air fills my lungs and the foggy mist in my head slowly fades away.
"Now try again", she says.
"I think I saw him", I say and look into her questioning eyes. "The man from the bar."

"Are you sure?", she asks. "Call me crazy but I definitely saw him, it was him!", I start to get worked up again and now Rhea places both her hands on my cheeks to make me look at her.

"Y/n, you're safe here", she starts, "With me, with Damian and even with Dom."
All I can do is nodd but I still feel like she doesn't believe me.

We take a moment for me to catch my breath and Rhea holds my hand tightly as we walk back. "What happened?", Dom asks and Rhea answers in my place, "nothing just some lady problems", and with that they don't ask any more questions.

Damian looks at me, understanding what really happened.
We start walking back to the busses and Rhea is still holding my hand.

"Lets get to the hotel, I wanna see the new gym", Rhea smiles to change the subject.
The drive to the hotel is short and we quickly check in. We arrive in our room and Rhea changes into her gym clothes. "Do you wanna come with me?", she asks but I shake my head, "I think I'm just gonna take a nap here, but thanks."

"If you need anything just call me okay?", Rhea says and kisses my forehead before leaving.
I lock the door behind her and drop myself on the bed.
I check my phone and see that Liv texted me, we talk for a while. She's actually really nice, I get why Rhea had something going on with her, she's beautiful.

Compared to her, I'm... nothing?
Before I let my thoughts take the worst of me I put my phone away and close my eyes.

this is unchecked so just ignore the spelling errors

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