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Hellow everybody. So am starting on a new project. And the project is called Sir Guy of Gisbourne ;) feel free to vote and comment. Hope you will enjoy :)

The fire is roaring in the fireplace. The flames is reflected in green eyes. Long fingers are playing with stay of chesnut brown hair. This woman is long away in memories. She dont even know that a tall dark man I oberserving her.

Five years ago

Tears falls down her cheeks. She doesn't even try to hide it. Let him see her cry. Robin turned to his cousin "Please Rowena, dont cry like that" "why not robin? I might never see you again... You can die and you wont let me cry?" He pulled her into a hug and kissed her on the head. "I would love to see you smile before I go" "Then you wont have a reason to come back". She could hear him chuckle and she tried to hide the smile on the lips.
"I know you are smiling" "oh be quite" she whispered to him. He hold her tighter for a few more seconds "I'll be back... I pro" "Dont do that, you know you can't" She looked up at him. He was a few years older than her. They had always been like siblings. Rowena had come to live with Robin and his father then she was only a few years old. Her father was Robin fathers brother. He had died in the last war. Her mother had come here after. She died a few years after due to pneunomia. Robin was all she had left, and now the chances of loosing her was big. He gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and turned to leave. "Come back" she whispered. He turned and gave her a cheeky smile "See you petit" "See you dork" and then he was gone.

Back to real time

She took a deep breath. She turned her hed when she heard the footsteps. "Oh its you" she turned her face back to the flames "Well goodevening to you too" Guy said and stood by her chair. "How many did you torture today" she asked. He grunted and smile a bit. "Only one actually... And he was on fun" He bents down and almost whisper to her. She turned her head. Their faces only inches from each other. "died to fast" "No, telling the truht to quickly" He walked arround the chair and walked over to the fireplace. She looked him u and down. He turned and look at her "I remenber the first time I saw you" she said "You were five years old"he said "So you remenber too?" "I remenber you and Isabella runing around... playing" They both smiled a little. "Do you know how she is" "No..." He looked into the fire.

And there they sat and stood. Both venturing into memories.

Guys flashbak three years ago

"YOU WHAT" Rowena yelled and stormed after him. "The prince signed me to keep this lnd until we know the fate of Robin of Loksley" Guy smirked and kept walking around the manor. "Im doing a fine job at that" "Oh my lady Rowena... That is not a woman job" She walked infront of him and hold a hand to his chest. "Not a womans job" "Prince words, not mine" He kept smirking. Her green eyes where on fire. Her hands almost shaking with anger. "You'll still be able to live here... If you wish so" He said and took at step closer to her. "Oh why thank you for kindness to let me live... IN MY OWN HOME" she took a step closer too. He almost laughed. "Come now Lady Rowena... If we are going to live under the same roof we should try to be civil" Her took the hand she hold aginst her chest. She pulled back her hand.

"Sir Guy" Vaisey almost shouted as he entered the manor "Ahh and Lady Rowena... How good it is to see the two of you getting friendly" the sheriff looked to their hands. "Sheriff" she whispered and slowly pulled her hand away. Guy looked down at her. Her eyes was focused on him. "Lady Rowena have been very welcoming" "Oh I dont doubt it for a second" the sheriff said and walked up to her. "She is a lady after all". Before Guy could do anything "Let me show you the stabels Sir Guy" She said and walked past the sheriff. Guy simply followed her but the sheriff crapped his arm "Be carefull with her... She is a viper" and then he let Guy go.

Rowena flashback one year ago.

Rowena was finally back in the manor. She had been removed a few weeks ago due to Sir Guys illness. She took a deep breath "Welcome back Lady Rowena" a deep male voice said. She turned and saw Guy standing in the door way. "Thank you Sir Guy... I hope you a feeling better" "I am thank you for you kindness" He walked up to her. He looked tired. Very tired. "You sure you are allright?" she asked. He looked down and smiled. "My my, if I didn't knw better I would think you were concerned about me" she could feel how she blushed from his comment. He smiled even a bit more "Dont worry about me Lady. I lived through worse" She looked down "Good to know" She turned and walked up to her room. She closed the door behinde her. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She hated the feeling.

Back to real time

"I better go to bed" Rowena said and stood up. "All ready?" Guy asked "Yes I have a feeling something big is going to happen tomorrow". He walked over to her. "Really" He asked her. "Yes I think something good is going to happen" she smiled a little. Guy smiled too. "You say that once a week" he walked over to her. "I do?" she asked. She never notice this. "Yes, I often wonder how you can keep being positive" He took her hand and kissed it "Sleep well Lady Rowena" "Thank you Sir Guy... May you sleep well too" Her green eyes found his blues.

For three years they had lived together. There had been many discusion. Many fight. A few laughs. But rarely did they have the tender moments they have now. It was these moments that they both loved. But the also knew that it was something forbidden. Not by the prince or the sheriff. No the both of them hold back becourse they knew it was a dangerous place to go.

She slowly stepped backwards. Their hands slowly parted and then they no longer was linked she turned and walk upstairs. His haunting eyes never left her for second.

A few miles away in a forrest two young men sat around a fire. "I can't wait to see Lady Rowena again. How old would she now?" Much asked his master "25 summers" Robin smiled. He had missed his cousin dearly these past five years. Her and marian had been the reason he kept fighting. Fighting to get home to them. And tomorrow he would get to see them.

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