Meetings and Agreements

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"well, well if I didn't know any better I would believe you two were friendly... Perhaps him even courting you" Robin mocked. He had seen it all from the window. She gave him a glare. "Really that is what you want to dicuss after five years. A man kissing my hand?" "Guy of Gisbourne isn't just a man" "How would you know?" "I have heard rumors" he crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side. She walked right past him. "And I would guess half of them is true" she simply stated. She hated that she was actually defending this man. But how could she not. He had saved her from the sheriff more than once. Even her life. She let out an angry grunt. robin walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. "For five years I wondered how you were... How you would cope... If I had made a bad choice" he whispered to her. She didn't say anything. She really didn't want to. "What happend while I was gone"

"Well, I ran the estate for a good year before the sherif and Guy came to Nottingham. In one day the sheriff managed to kick of Edward and a mounth later Guy valsed in here practecly owning the palace. I couldn't do anything but try to protec the staff and the populars" She looked up at him. "Did Guy do anything to you" Robin asked with much concern. "Robin... Guy may be dangerous but he would never lay a hand on a woman" She was sure of this. God knows that they had tested each other tempers more than she could count "Let that be the only good thing about him" Robin said. He let go of her and walked towards the stairs. "I'll go and talk to Edward... Get some more information" He was halfway up the stairs before he heard Rowena "Surely. But couldn't there be someone els you wanted to see as well?" She smiled and could barely hold herself from laughing. "Would there be" he smiled down to her "Oh I would believe so" she gave him a wink and when walked out into the kitchen.

The next day at the Counsel of Nobles

"Robin of Locksley and Lady Rowena" The soldiers presented them both. Robin walked right down to his chair. Rowena stod behinde him. She looked over to Marian and they nodded to each other. Her eyes then found Guy and gave him a small bow. "Good morning everyone! Sheriff. Well, carry on!" Robin exclaimed. "Locksley, welcome back. I trust Sir Guy of Gisborne's managed your estates to your satisfaction" "I believe he may have managed them to your satisfaction" Robin corrected him. Guy gave him a deaf stare "Some of your peasants are unruly, by the way. We have two in custody awaiting punishment" The sheriff tolled rather satisfactory. "Three" Guy corrected him. "Three? Ah, discipline will be a problem. Be warned... Loughborough" He point to him and he start "Sheriff, thank you. I brought..." "Discipline has never been a problem on my estates" Robin interrupted him. "Times have changed" "Not for the better, it seems" Robin smiles to him. Rowena was very close to slap the back of his head in hope it would make him stop talking. Guy could see that she was getting a bit more aggitated and tried to hide a smile. He had come to known her ways over the last three years. "You, of all people, should know that the king needs funds to fight a Holy War" "Is it our Holy War? Or is it Pope Gregory's?" Robin asked "We stand shoulder to shoulder with Rome" "And we fall shoulder to shoulder too. I have seen it" "Then what is your proposal? To raise money for the king?" "Stop all taxes, today!" Robin now stood and walked in the circle the nobles sat in. Rowena looked down and rubbed her eyes. She wondered if Robin had lost his insanity for a minute. Then she looked up again she could see that she was not the only one to think this. "Amusing" "I do not joke. Today is Market Day, and yet there is no market" robin quickly stated. "And your point is?" The sherif asked trying ro sound dumb. Rowen knew he was anything but this. "If a man can make more than he needs for his family, he can take what remains to Market. He can trade, and the shire can take its share. But until then, we must help every man, every peasant, every pieman, every pinner provide for his family. Get him trading again!" Robin tried to explain to the others. But now the sheriff also got up "A man who can provide for his family is a comfortable man, a lazy man. Doesn't want to work. But we need a hungry man. Our noble friend seems to forget that hungry men are virtuous." "There is a celebration of my return tonight in the great hall" Robin sat back down and asked. "Indeed" she sheriff said. "Where, I trust, none of those virtuous men will be feasting" Robin pointed out.

The nobles seperated and as soon Robin and Rowena was a bit away from the others she slapped him in the back of his head. "Auch, what was that for" he asked and rubbed his head "You barely been back for 24 hours and you are allready making trouble" before Robin could say any back Marian had walked up to them. "May I borrow Robin for a moment" she asked and smiled to both of them. "We will talk about this later" Rowena said and smiled to Marian before she continued down the hall.

She was walking to her quarters then all of the sudden she heard "So tell me how is it to stand behide a man?" She turned to see Guy stading up aginst a pillar. She walked up to him "why do you want to know?"she asked in return. "No particular reason" he said with smirk that would make most women shutter. "May I walk you to your room" he asked. He hold out his arm and she takes it "how is it to be back living in the castle" she asked. She knew that she mocked him in a polite way. He looked down on her "I would prefer Loksley manor and your company... But being here has its perks too" "I see" she didn't say anything more after that nor did Guy until they reach "Allow me to escort you to tonight's celebration" Guy asked in a commanding voice "Is that a command?" "More a request" he smirked a bit. She felt how her lips tucked into a smile. "Yes Sir Guy, I would be honoured" "Thank you" he once again took her hand and kissed it.

He turned around and walked away. "Are you sure he aint courting you" yet again Robin had witnessed their exchange and he was very concerned about it. "Robin please" "what? im just saying what all the rumors are saying" he tried to defend himself. "And what do they say?" She open her door and they both walked inside "You lived with this man for three years, you must know" he started. "Of cause I know Robin. Dont you think I have heard them all? All from the secret engament to being his hore! Believe me I have heard them all and none of is true" she almost yelled. She let out a big sigh and sit down on the bed. "I have heard something els too" Robin sat down next to her. "What" she snarled. "That the manor was attack" he said in a low voice. Rowena froze. She had tried to block that memory out. They sat in silence for a few minutes "I'll tell you about that night... But not now, not here... the only thing I will say is that saved me and our home that night" she got up and walked with uneasy steps to dresser. Robin walked up to her and pulled her into a hug "allright... I'll go down to the dungeons to see the prisoners... will you be allright?" He pulled her away and they looked at each other. "Yes... Go... I'll see you tonight" She reassured Robin. He gave a quick kiss on her forhead and when walked out. Then she no longer could hear his foot step she let her knees give away and she tumble to the floor crying.

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