What a Party

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Hello you guys :D Here is the next chapter of my story. I promised a fellow watty that I would update my story if she updated hers. You guys should take a look at it, if you havn't all ready :) Its called Deception. Its so bloddy good! Oh and here is a picture of the ring that Guy gives to Rowena. I wanted something a bit different than the one he gives to Marian in the series :) 

Please feel free to vote or comment. Enjoy

"How are we going to tell him?" Much asked Allan. They had just been to Loksley and heard the news of Rowena and Guy engagement. "Why not just drop it on him... He is going to mad anyway" "Just. drop. it. on. him? And do suggest we do that? Oh hello Robin do you want to hear the good news. Rowena and Guy are engage"  Much looked at Allan who looked behide him. He nodded to Much. "What" Much asked and he turned around to see Robin standing behide him. "Oh... Robin..." "Robin took a few step closer to them. "Did my ears lie to me. Or did I hear you say that Rowena and Guy are engaged?" "Well.... uhm..." Much stammered. "Yes Robin... The people even say that they seem... happy" Allan said. Robin ran a hand down his face and then through his hair. He turned away from them and walked away. Much and Allan looked at each other and both sighed. 

Robin slowly walked to Loksley. Trying to figurer it all out in his head. How could it be that she had said yes? He was sure she must have been forced. Yes, she must have in danger of loosing her head. But then again why hadn't she come to him? He could have helped her out of it. He walked into Loksley hiding in small places. He overheard two women talking together"Have you heard Sir Guy have asked some mighty fine guest to the Manor on the Kings birthday" "I did... Its strange to see Sir Guy so... well I guees happy" "Who wouldn't be... Lady Rowena is a beautiful woman and so kind... I truly hope she is happy too" "Oh havn't you seen her... She is glooming" And then the to women walked on. Robin let his head fall back on the wall. Something deep inside him tolled that Rowena properbly was happy. 

He walked slowly up to the manor. He wondered if he should take the chance and go to see her. He walked through the kitchen and met Thornton. "Master Robin" He whispered "What are you doing here? If Sir Guys see you he would put blame on Rowena" Thornton lectured Robin "I know... I just need" Robin looked down. "If she is happy" Thornton finish his sentence for him. Robin nodded. "She yes Robin... It may seem strange to you but they are in love" "How can she love such a man" Robin voice grew alittle. "Love can't be turned into something rationally" Thornton stated and took a seat at the small table. "The man is close to pure evil" "I know and so does she" "Then how?!" Robin walked around the kitchen. H couldn't stand still. His blood  was boiling now. "I can't accept this" He said and looked straight at Thornton. "Well I'm afraid you dont have a say in the matter young master" he said calmly. Robin didn't answer him. He turned and stormed out the kitchen. 

That night Robin barely got any sleep. Like most night he would have nightmares about events that took place in the holy land. the one that had hauted his mind the last couple of weeks was the one then saracans assains tried to kill the king. He woke up covered in sweat. Much turned to look at him "Achra?" he asked in a low tone of voice. "Yes" Robin answered. Much scrath his bear "Its his birthday today... The King... Gisbourne is celebrating in Loksley" He paused for  a minute. "The great and the good rising thier cup in your house, to a man that wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you" He stated. Robin had gotten up and startet to strech. "Without you where would be no birthday to celebrate" Much continued "Can you imagine them? the sheriff and his cronies. Im sick of them" 

Robin around the camp. Everybody seemed to be up. "In Loksley" he asked Much and startet to smirk "What" Much asked. "Why dont we celebrate the Kings birthday too?" Robin asked Much back. the smirk only growing wider. "What do you say" he asked him again. "Where is something wrong woth you" Much said out with no hesitation. Robin startet t laugh alittle "Im serious" Much said, but he to started smiling a bit. And a plan was set to celebrate the kings birthday.

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