A test of loyalty

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"The rest of my things will come in today, make sure everything will be brought in and placed" Guy instructed Thorton. He heard food steps and saw Rowena walking down the stairs. She was wearing a light green dress. "Goodmorning Sir Guy" she greeted him. "Goodmorning Lady Rowena. The sheriff would like to have a word with you today" he responded. The sheriff had asked him.to bring her in to make sure she had cut the ties to Robin. "Well when do we ride" her voice was calm but her body tolled a bit different story. She would always be ready to fight, but to fight against the sheriff good be an unwise decision to make. "Now if you are ready" he took her cape and and hold it open for her. She walked over to him and turned her back to him so he could drapped it over her. "Thank you Sir" she quitly said. " my pleasure my lady" and they walked to the stables.

Thorton couldn't help to smile alittle. He was sad about Robin for sure but to see Rowena and Guy dancing around each other had become a pleasure. Guy had been less harsh the last year and Rowena had grown more independent. Their relationship had definitely grown since the attack. He was sure that they would soon have a wedding.

In Nottingham

"This way" Guy placed a hand on her lower back. To was both comforting and horrifying for Rowena. When they reach the sheriff's chambers Guy nodded to the soldiers to announce them. "Ahh lady Rowena and Sir Guy... Sir Guy and Lady Rowena... It has a ring to it doesn't it" he mocked them. The both stood still not daring to look at the at the other person. Giy was the first to speak "You wished to speak to Lady Rowena" "yes you are quite right" he walked to one of his birdcage "Do you where you dear cousin Robin is hiding?" He asked her "No I do not" she spoke truthfully. "I see... Well allright I guess we just will have to ask the people of loksley... oh and make sure to bring the scissors" he said as he walked past Rowena and Guy. "But they wont know either" Rowena turned around "Lets hope you are right" the sheriff kept walking "Guy" "Come Rowena we are leaving for Loksley. Guy nearly pished her forward.

In Loksley

The sheriff sat down in a chair "I have come to visit Robin of Locksley, but find him not at home. Perhaps one of you would like to inform me of his whereabouts. He and I need to have a little chat, a conversation. Nobody knows, nobody knows. Then, there is a reward. Shall we say...20 pounds? And then all of a sudden somebody does know" Rowena looked out onto her people. How had things come to this she thought.
"Loosen your tongues or lose your tongues" Guy commanded. One no said anything. The sheriff grew tired quickly "Cut out his tongue. One an hour until somebody talks" "please sheriff. You cant be serious" Rowena pleaded as the guards dragged away the man "Sir Guy please control the little lamb" the sheriff said. He got a grib on her arm. Guy saw how she forced herself to look a the man. When it was finish she turned her eyes away. "I guess the little lamb tolled the truth earlier" the sheriff spoke "what" her head snapped to the sheriff. "Is this a rest of my loyalty" she asked. Guy tighten the grib on her arm. "Yes, and the second is a test of the people" he smirked " send her home Gisbourne" he waved her away. She was about to say something but guy was quicker "this way lady" he pulled her to her stallion. He throw her on it. "You two make the sure the lady make it home safe" and then she was of.

She came gome just as guy men started loading of. "This is unacceptable! The master will...when this dispute is resolved, Robin will return. He will" Jane trid to stop the soldiers "Robin. He'll never be master of anywhere now" the first soldier said "Master of Sherwood maybe" the second one joked. Rowena lifted her hand to show the soldier to stop. The ones of loading hadn't notice them and she wished for that to continue. She signaled jane to keep quiet.
"Robin of the Wood" "I like that. Robin of the Wood" "Robin Wood. They laughed. "Guy would like that"
"You should tell him" "You tell him!"
"I'm not going to tell him!" "Why not?"
"He might not like it" it was now Rowena chose. To show herself "I would rather think that he wouldn't like to hear how two soldiers assiged to do is more interested in making up names for an outlaw" "LADY ROWENA" they both turned so quickly that they drop a chest "And im sure he wouldn't like his things damage" she got dow from her stallion and gave him to the stable boy. The soldiers got quick about their job. Doon the manor look like it had doon the last three years.
"I heard what is happeing the the village... Are you alright lady" thorton whispered to her "Im I just... The game has somehow change" "what do you mean" "I mean that guy and sheriff now have become hunters... more brutal" "I see" they looked at each other.

A couple of hours later

Just like a couple og nights ago Guy comes home to a Rowena sitting.by the fire. Deep away in thought "Why are you still up" he asked her. She didn't move a muscle. Guy walked.over to her chair "Rowena?" "Will Loksley ever be mine again" she asked still not looking at him. He turned his eyes to the fire as well. After a long minute he said "No Rowena" "Then what will happen to me" she looked up at him now. For the first time her eyes didn't give away her feelings. "I guess you'll marry" he said. She snorted at his anwers "A man solutions to.everything... just marry the girl of" she stood up. "I wont marry and I'll fight for Loksley with everything I got" she walked to him so they faced each other. He smirked "please do Rowena... I like a good fight". They looked at each other for some time "Im not a fright of you Sir Guy of Gisbourne" "Perhaps you should be" "I think not". He took a step closer to her "I know how brave you are... How you fight like any man would do... But you are only under this roof because I allow it. I couls throw you out in a second" his was becoming darker. She stood her ground. He smiled "did the cat get your tongue" he asked. "No god did. Making sure I wouldn't bite you head of" she responded. He was still smirking. "Goodnight Sir Guy" she turnes and slowly walked up to her room. "Oh Rowena... I thought you might want to know that Robin gave himself up today. He is currently in a cell in nottingham" he yelled up to her. He heard he footsteps stop and and minute later she continued on

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