Then the truth comes out

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Rowena stayed in the castle for a week. Guy had arranged it for her and that she would see a physian every other day. Marian visisted ad often as she could. Rowena sat and looked out her window. It was late at night when she saw two figures walking to a cart. One of them seemed to be holdning a bundle or package of some sort. The other was much taller. She saw how the taller one took the package and and stept into the cart. It looked like they said there goodbyes and then the cart rode away. she then heard the faint criesof a baby. And then see knew what had happend. It was more common than it should be. Some servant girl had gone pregnant and now she had to give up her child. Rowena prayed that night for the child future and the mother. 

The next day where was a consual of nobels meet to dicuss the outbreak in Clun. 

The sheriff walked down the stairs "Good news from the village of Clun. No new outbreaks for a fortnight. The pestilence, whatever it was, is gone". Rowena looked around for Guy but saw him nowhere.  "Then we can lift the quarantine, feed the survivors" Edward stated but the sheriff laughed.
"No, the people of Clun they are a grubby people. The great are washed. Low on taxes, high on moaning. Quarantine remains" "They must be fed. They will die" Marian argued. "Marian" Edward tried to hush his daughter. " Oh, sweet. My dear, you have to understand, these are incapable people. They do not look after themselves. We must not, we cannot nanny them" the sheriff tolled her.

"But how can they look after themselves if we will not allow them to leave their village?" rowena spoke up and looked him in the eye. "I agree. This is a conundrum. Another conundrum is this: whom do I tax to pay for the food for the hopeless of Clun? Hmm? Do I rob from Peter to pay for Paul? No. simpler to keep the quarantine in place, and then after one or two weeks, we say that they village has been, been cleansed. I may house my garrison there" He turned his back to her. Rowena stood up from her chair.  "You cannot let healthy people die, it is barbaric. If it became known that we have delib..." She tried to argue but he interrupted her "Interesting, hmm? This fire in your belly. Is this reason talking, or is it frustration...frustration at being how old now and still a maiden?" A servant walked up to him. "Excuse me, I have other business" And he when left the consual. 

The day slowly went on and a couple of hours later Rowena run into Guy "Sir Guy" she couldn't help but to smile alittle "Rowena... I have heard the sheriff and you have words" he smirked to her. She looked to side and then up to his face again. "He had a point you know" "Excuse me?" she asked. "You should have been married by now, even before Robin left" "If you are going to be as thick headed as the sheriff" She turned to walked away but he grabbed her hand "I didn't mean to offend you Rowena... But you must admit that this is unusual" he spoke softly. "I know Sir Guy... But I want just marry for any man or land... I will marry the man that I choose" She said with confidence. He pulled her closer "I like the sound of that" he smirked down to her. A soldier walked up to him "The sheriff wish to have a word". Guy gave the soldier a nod off and turned back to Rowena. He kissed har hand and then turned. 

The rest of the day was calm until the evening when the sheriff and Guy returned with Marian in chains "What happeing" Rowena asked and them. "Marian is going to learn a lesson" the sheriff answered. "What?" "She helped Robin hood to feed the town people of Clun" Guy spoke in a deep voice. Rowena coud hear that he did not like this situation. "What are you going to do to her" Rowena stepped infront of the sheriff "I dont want to spoil the fun for you" he grabbed her bad arm and pulled her in to him and whipered to her "This is to show her and you what will happen then you disrespect me and go aginst my orders" He pushed her around so she could see how she was led to the gallows "No" she whispered and ran down the stairs. Edward cacth her and holds her. "Dont be stupid child" he whisper to her. She looks at him in surprise. "Long and flowing. Sweet. We cannot have challenges to our authority. The law applies to everybody, even the privileged" he points to Marian and a guard begin to cut her hair of. Rowena looks at her and does nothing to hide her tears. When it is all done she run up to her friend and catch her in an emprace. "Take her chains of" she commands the soldier. The soldier looks up to Guy and he nods in aprovel. The to women sit for some time just holding each other. "It will grow back my friend... and even more beautiful than before" She whispered to Marian. Edward then walkd up to them "Im going to take her home now" Rowena nodded to him and let go of Marian. She watch them sloly walk away

The next day is not any better. Not being able to sleep Rowena put on a simple green dress and walks around the castle. She soon her some commotion and walks towards it. An woman is getting to hang and then she sees Robin. She runs as quickly she can down to them. Bt just as she gets where a woman attacks Guy from behind "Murderers! I will kill you!" She scream. "Annie!" Guy yells back to her. "Do not move! You left him in the woods! You said he would be safe! You left him to die! Our son! Our baby!" "Baby?" Rowena whisper. The scene from a few night ago now plays in her head. The figure she saw was Annie and Guy. "Gisborne, tut-tut-tut-tut" the sheriff taunt. Guy knocks the dagger from her grip and strikes her down. A fight breaks loose and Rowena runs to Guy and gets him of Annie "STOP" she yells and their eyes met. Its clear that he is in shock to see her here.

"To the horses!" Robin yells to his men, after they have free Roys mother. "Come on then!" John shouts and the began to head out. But the sheriff get a hold of Roy and hold a dagger to his throat. Rowena is about to charge but Guy gets a hold of her "Locksley! Why so much haste, my friend? Sorry to ruin your day, but if you leave, he gets it. Huh, this is our old friend, the dilemma, calling" She sheriff laughed at his own joke. "Master, you cannot give yourself up every five minutes!" Much calls to Robin. Robin and Rowena eyes meet now. She shakes her head to him. "Robin, no!" Roy yells "Robin, yes"The sheriff says  "Let him go, or we all die here today" Robin says as he ready a arrow. 
"Oh, come along, Robin, we both of us know, we've had this conversation many times, and we also know that you're not the killing kind, like me" The sheriff chuckles. Before he could react again Roy butts his head into his nose"Run! For my mother! For the baby!" Roy yells to them and throws his tag to John. Now he is surround by should "No... No... NO PLEASE DONT" Rowena yells but the soldier begin to stab him. Robin and his men begin to flee. Rowena flet her knees grow weak but they soon got their strenght back when Guy. He pulled her along the corridors and into his room. She could feel her blood boiling now. 

"YOU LEFT YOUR CHILD IN THE WOODS" She screamed at him. She didn't care if the hole castle hear them "I  did what I thought best" He tried to stay a bit more clam than her but his was soon a his boiling point aswell "THE BEST?? How could you... your own blood!" Her voice only getting a bit lower. She walked around the room, she was so angry she couldn't stay still. "I could not be sure that he was mine" he stood tall and strong "Oh dear lord give me strengh" she whispered under her breath. "She was in love with you Guy... She was ready to do anything... FOR YOU" This time she poke him in the chest. But she had forgot about her shoulder and now it was sending a rubbing pain through her. "She was nothing more and a woman to warm my bed" Guy snerred at her. This time her hand came flying. But Guys quick reflects caught it and he pulled her in close. "Her name is Annie" She snerred at him and tried to get herself loose from his grib. "I should have known" She whipered to herself and turned her eyes from him. "What" he commanded and shook her a little. "That you are not cable of change, that the boy" she shut her mouth before she said anymore. She now felt how her eyes got watery. "The boy what" he growled. He felt how a body starting to shake a little. But his temper controlled him now "WHAT" he yelled at her. "That the boy I fell i love with was no more" she spoke quitly. She had said it. admitted it to herself and Guy. The man she both hated and was in love with. He took a hold of her chin and  lifted it up to meet his eyes but she closed her. "Look at me" he whispered. She didn't. he moved his lips to her eyes and growled "Look... at.. me...". 

This time she open her eyes and let the tears fall. Now both of his hands cupped her face. "That boy died along time ago... He had to become a man" "and this is how you define a man" she spoke back to him. Their eyes seach each others. "No... its survival" he whispered and pulled her into a kiss. It wasn't sweet nor was it demanding. It was a need from both of them. His hand wandered to her waist and pulled her further into his body. Her hands found his neck and her fingers grabbed his hair. Before they wanted they had to stop for air. But their noses still touched. "I cant forgive this" she  whispered. They looked at eah other "Im not asking for your forgivenes Rowena... Im asking for you. Body and soul" his voice was deep and full of lust, love and need. "Guy please" She had barely spoke before he kissed her again. This time it was sweeter. He parted and whispered in her ear "I'll fight for that I want... And I'll fight for your love... You'll be mine one day" and then he turned and left her standing in her room. Once he closed the door she walked to the bed and starred out the window, wondering. How could she had fell in love with a man that cruel and selfcentered. She slowly started to undo her braids. 

Guy was all of the bad thing she could think. But it wasn't how he had started. She remenbered his loving mother, the father that thaught him to protect his family and Isabella at worshiped the earth he walked on. but she also remenbered all the bad things that had happen to him. All the heartache, all that he had lost. All he reasons to how he had become this man. And at that moment she choose that she would fight to get the guy she knew and love back

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