Now ?

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Rowena slowly open her eyes. Memories from last night started to flow back into her mind. Imagines flashing before her eyes and a sensation goind through her body. She felt the want to make last night repeat itself. And rather sooner than later. She smiled and blushed at her impure thoughts. She turned around and saw Guy was still sleeping. His broad chest slowly went up and down. She dared to place her hand over his heart. Slow and steady it beats away. Nothing like her racing heart her hand slowly travel down. When she gets below the navel he catches her hand. She gasp from the shock that he was awake. "Any lower darling and we will have to marry today" he says in deep, sleepy voice. He opens his eyes and turns his head to look at her. "Good morning" he says. A smirks apears on his lips and Rowena know that he is up to something. But she is not quick enough and soon he is on the top of her. His eyes travels down over her body. She can feel how her cheeks turns bright red. Guy notice and cant help but to chuckle. He leans downs and place a soft kiss on her lips. "You still manage to blush even after last night" he stated in a sweet jet very seductive voice. She smiled to him and was about to answer him when they heard trickters bark and scrath the door. Guy sighed and drop his head to her shoulder. "He is your dog" He states. 

Rowena slowly shakes her head and before she an stop herself the words fll out her mouth "And when it is our son..." and she stops midsentence. Guy head slowly rise so he can see her eyes. If Rowena thought her heart had raced before it was nothing to what she felt now. They hadn't spoke of children. Guy studied her face for some time. He didn't know what to say. He wanted a family. More than anything. For his name to continue and be a part of the history. He sat up and pulled her with him. "Then it ours children... Sons and daughters... I'll do anything to be there for them... For you". Rowenas heart slowed down and falled into a steady beat. She leaned in and kissed him. It was soft and carring. "I cant wait then" she smiled to him. Guy placed and hand on her neck and pulled for into a new kiss. But trickster had other plans. Barking like a mad hound. "HUSH TRICKSTER" She playfulled yelled at the dog. They both grin and got out of the bed. She pulled on a her dark blue dress and Guy helped her tie it. She was greeted by a very happy puppy. "I'll see you later" Guy took her hand and kissed it. when he walked back inside to get changed. 

She walked with Trickster for almost and hour and when she got back she deside to help Thorton in the garden. "Why dont you go the the castle and see the master" thornton asked her. She smiled at his suggestion. "Please I dont need him every hour every day" she joked. "My dear girl, you are very wrong indeed" He joked back at her. "You are both to proud to see it" "Thornton" She warned him, but smiled at the same time. "Now now, you listen to me for I have lived longer than you" he smiled to her. "You are practially already married" he paused and she blushed. "And i have seen the look the two of you are sending each other.... You shouldn't be afright of the truth" he spoke softly to her. She sat down on the ground. Trickster layed beside her and layed her head on her lap. "And what if I loose him too?" she asked. Thornton look soften even more. He could clearly reemember the little girl that was seemed so lost after her mothers death. He sat down next to her. They sat in silence for some time. "I could easily loose him thornton" she finally spoke. "One wrong word or move and he will be dead" she looked down on the ground "Well... Love dont care for that" he stated. Rowena was suprised by his words. He continued "In many ways love is a selfish feeling. We can love a nother  person so much that it can hurt us, make us blind" he paused. "But the great thing about love, is when we realise this, it will set us free... And we will become stronger  confident and we will become who we are meant to be" Rowena sat stunned in silence. But soon tears was streaming down the cheeks and she leaned her head on his shoulder. Here was this man that actually was working for her, but in so many ways watch over her like a dad. "Thank you" she whispered. 

Meanwhile in the castle Guy had been summond to meet the sheriff in his Birdcage. "Ah Gisbourne... Hold the bird" He handed him a bird "Come on give him some love... Poor thing" and turned his back to him. "Its a perch. A bird in a cage... A creature that would other wise fly free completely in my control" Guy wasn't sure if the sherif talked about him or the birds. "Now speking of pretty little things in a cage how is Lady Rowena?" "Fine my lord" "Good... Good... I know you been tlaking about getting married before the King returns... Is that correct?" "We thought about it yes" Guy was weary of his guestions. "Well as it turn out... The king is returning" the sheriff starred at him "The king is returning" guy let go for the bird in surprise of the sherifs words. "Oh Gisbourne that is not how you handel a bird" The sherif mocked. 

And hour later and Rowena and thorton was still in the garden working. Trickster was the first to hear a horse aproaching. He stood up and Rowena turned to see what he was spotting. It wasn't long before she saw Guy. It looked like he was pushing his horse the limits. For a second she feared something had happend. But she then saw his smile. He pult the horse to a holt and jumped down. "Rowena" he stomped over to her and before she it he lifted her into the air. "GUY... What are you doing?" She asked, trying not to laughed "weeping you of you feet" he said and she could hear his smile. "Why" this time she did laugh. He sets her down again and pull her into a kiss "Marry me... This saturday" "What?" "Marry me... This saturday" he repeated and placed his hands on his cheeks. She starred into his eyes. She felt how her heart slowed down jet again. Steady and determend. She knew her answer. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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