The burning Truth

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Guy had been gone for almost five hours now and Rowena didn't know what to think anymore. Marian had come to by her side. They had barely spoken a word to each other. Marian sat by the window in Rowena room. Rowena walked around the room thinking of all kinds plans. But she knew none of them would really work. Firstly because she had no idea where to find robin. Secondly if she did find the camp would Guy believe she found them by chance. "When did he ask you?" Marian asked her out of the blue. "Five days ago" Rowena admitted. Marian nodded. Rowens stod opposite her friend. "Sorry I didn't tell you... I must admit I was a bit afraid of how you would react" she said honestly. "Well I guess you fear was not completely without reason" marian gave her a small smile. The both grew silence again "Is he good to you" she asked. Rowena looked out the window. It was an honest question "I think we are good for each other... and he have never layed a hand on me... but we also have a tendency to test each other tempers". Marian laughed a little at the last remark. That make Rowena laugh too. After a minute or two of that, they smile to each other. "You are in love are you not?" Marian asked her. "Yes" where wasn't much more to say on the matter.

Before they could say much more to each other they heard a horse approach the manor. Rowena ran quickly down the stairs. Her heart hoped to greet Guy, but it was Much. "Much?" She asked confused. Marian was right behind her. "Please come my master need you... both of you" Rowena and Marian quickly got to the stable and rode to woods. Much guided them to the camp. "Where are they?" Marian asked and looked around. It was then they could hear two fighting. Much lead the sight. Just in time to see Robin punch Guy out. "ROBIN" Rowena yelled and ran down the hill. She let her self fall to her knee infront of Guy. She quickly checked his pulse. "Robin was going on here" she asked him and looked up to him. "You dont know him Rowena" Robin stated coldly "and you do" "I know more than you do... enough to know you should not marry this man!" "Well good thats my decision" she stood up again. "Much come and lets get him back to camp" Robin and Much carried Guy back to the camp and bound him to a tree. Robin sat down and leaned up aginst a tree. "What happening to you" Rowena asked. "Guy is a dangerous man" "Well I surely haven't heard that one before" "He was in achcra and tried to kill the king" robin continued coldly. "Robin please... That not true" "I have proofs" "What proofs?" Rowena snapped. "On his arm there is a tattoo... I cut it..." "he doesn't have a tattoo... And he couldn't have been to the Holyland without anyone noticing he was gone" "Rowena" Marian spoke quitely. She turned to her friend "when he was sick... no one allowed to see him... you were even send to the castle" she explained. Rowena felt how things slowly fell into place. It would also explain how he had seen Robin fight. She shooked her head and walked away from Marian and Robin. She faintly heard Marian telling Robin to grow up. She walked down to Guy. He must have been awake his head gently turned towards the sound of her footsteps. She sat down and and freed the arm Robin had been talking about. Robin had been telling the truth. the tattoo was where with a cut through it. She felt how her heart dropped. Guy did suprisingly nothing to try to remove har hands or fled. Even behide dark he knew it was her hands. Although embarrest to be seen this way, he welcomed her touch. In thier own world then didn't even hear the rest of the gang walking into the camp. 

The gang looked at the two of them. They saw the gentelness they both showed each other and then left them to come up with a plan on how to get Jacq back. Rowena slowly got on her feets again and turned to see the group standing a little of to the side talking. 

"Jacq isn't oe man, she a woman. Have you thought  about what could happen to her if the sheriff realises?" "Jacq is a woman?" Both Marian and Rowena said. They men looked  at them. "Long story" Alan brushed them of. "He can wait, Jacq can not" John exclaimed. "NO" Robin stood fast. "If they know we are comming we could all die" Much tried to defend Robin. "True but it's Jacq" "It's Jacq" Allan and Will said at the same time. "But what dows that mean.." "It means they like her" Rowena smiled and looked at the two young men. They both blushed a little.  They were all silent for a moment. Much sighed "Well even then that is no reason to knowingly walk into a trap" "Robin is right you need to think" Marian said. "Guy is youe solution... You can trade him for her" Rowena said. "NO" Robin said again. Rowena send him a death stare. "Do you really think Im going to let you harm him" she asked him. "I am not letting him getting away with this" He said and got to his feet. John took a step forward and before Robin could do anything John had knocked him out. "Im not sorry for that" he said and looked around on the other. "You shouldn't be... I was close to do it myself. 

Rowena rode to nottingham in search of the sheriff. When she reach the gates she stopt her horse "where is the sheriff" "In the dungeons my lady. She gave him her horse and ran as quickly she could. "My lord Sheriff" she saw that she clearly stopt somthing. He turned to her. "I need your help". He led her to the council hall. "I was sent to give you this... Said you would understand?" She said a calmly and threw the neckless to him. "So did this outlaw robe you" "No he sent me to give you a message... Guy for your prisinor... My future husband for a saransan" she said. He kept turned the neckless in his hand "You see something is not right... How do I know this isn't an out law roosh" He asked. "Guy is your leutetant, your allie" she dropped her head. Thinking about what to say or do. and then it came to her. What the sheriff hated the most. She slowly started to sob a little. "Please my lord... If anything were to happen" A tear fell down her cheek. "Yes alright, just stop with the weilling" "They will Guy if you have hurt the sarasan boy... Have you hurt him" she asked. Praying with all her heart that she was okay. "Nooo" he then paused "Alright let get the sarasan ready for travel" he threw the neckless and walked away. Her part was done now. All she could do was to go home and wait.

Three hours later Guy arrived in a carriage. Rowena ran to him and pulled him close. But it was all for show for the guards. Guy was help to his room by two soldiers that left right away. He sat down on his bed. Rowena could barely look at him. "Sarah get some hot water and three washcloth" she calmly asked. Then sarah left the room she finally forced herself to look at Guy. "Take of you shirt" she ordered him to. He did as tolled without question. He slowly pulled his leather west of and then his black shirt. Rowena took the sight in. He was black and yellow. Sarah knoced on the door and came in with a big bowl of water "Thank you sarah". As Sarah left the room Rowena started to wash Guys upper body. Guy looked at her the hole time. Rowena didn't dare to. Guy grab her hand "What did hood tell you" he asked in a deep voice. "I think you already now the answer to that question Guy... and he was right" she couldn't look him in his eyes. "Rowena... look at me" he asked first. But when she didn't do it. He grabbed her chin and forced her to turn his head "I dont care what you believe. I did it because I felt it was the right thing to do... I was trying to end the war" he explain. Rowena search his eyes for a minute to find out if he really meant that. "It wouldn't have end the war... this is romes war, not England.. and you know that to" Guys hold on her chin lossen. He lets go but uses his hand to caress hers cheek instead. "Is there more" she asked. "What do you mean" he asked her. He did knew what she meant, but her wanted to hear hers voice. "Guy..." she sighed and looked into his eyes. "Only that I'm in love you" and he then pulled her into a kiss. It was tender like most of their kisses had been of late. He slowly pulled away but still hold her head close"How did you get to the camp?" he asked. "Much came for me... He was fearing for your life" Guy nodded. "He had reason to be" he stated. She leaned her forehead on his. She looked down on his arm and saw the tattoo was gone "How did you?" she asked and looked up at him. "The sheriff had some kind of liqued that could burn it of" he looked down on it. She didn't know what to say. So she begang to wash him and clean his wounds. When she was done she set the bowl of water on his desk. She took a deep breath. "Tell me what you are thinking" he said. She turned to him. She felt a strange mixture of rage and love. "You dont want to know" She said and walked for the door. Surprisingly quick he got to her first and grabbed her wrist. "You better start speaking" he warned her. She let go of it all "Im thinking that I am in love with a henceman that does whatever he is told by a man he so easily could overpower... Im thinking that Im going to marry a man that only care for him selv... A man that will never listen to me... Im wondering how my heart could belong to man that is traitor and I am sacred for you, for what will happens to us then the King return..." She felt how the tears pushed to get out. But she would not cry in front of him. He stood still. He let go of her wrist and let her go. She stormed out and went to her room. 

In the DuskTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang