Take aim

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AN// Hey all of you. So sorry for the long wait! As you may know I have been ill recently with renalpelvic infection, so I have had to focus on me. But I am back now a ready to write :) this will be quite a long chapter, But I have a feeling you wont mind ;) Its a bit PG13 in the end just so you know. Enjoy

Guy and the sheriff was eating breakfest with some other nobels "so tell Gisbourne have you bedded Lady Rowena" the sheriff asked. Guy nearly got his food down the wrong pipe. After a min he regaind his posure "No my lord" "For Gods sake Gisbourne. Be a man take your woman" "My Lord..." "She needs it you know... You need to stop that fire in her" The sheriff interupted him. Gisbourne didn't know what to say. Its wasn't exactly a topic he wanted to discuss with the sheriff. But the sheriff always got he nose into everyones buiness.  "Why dont you ask Marian the to fair... That will make Rowena Think twice" He took a bite of his bread and when drank some wine "My Lord?" Gisbourne wasnt quite sure what this was about "Jealousy Gisbourne... A jealous woman will do anything to mark her terrotory" he points to gisbourne and smirks. He then turn and continue with his food. Gisbourne quickly finish his breakfest and head of to the mine. 

As he arives it is clear that some has died again. An old man speak up "We'll not go down there again" "You'll do as I say" he states clamly . "My brother is dead!" The old man exclaim. "And your behavior suggest you'll care to join him" Guy was growing tried of this. "We are on strike" some of the other workers back the old man up on this. Guy observers them carefully. He listen to them but dont care for a words the say. He walk up to the man that clearly is the leader "You rather die here" He asked en raspy voice. "Yes... I rather my sould rot up here than get trapped down there again!" the old man says. A part of Guy new that it was highly dangerous to go down there buthe did not care. They got a better pay than most, They all knew what they stepped down to. The sheriff turned up. A soldier got down on the four to help him down "Stay" he orders the soldier. Guy thanks god for that it no longer his job to do. He sllowly walks up to Guy "They claim they rather down than go back down there" Guy clamly spoke "You are giving them choices" The sherif asks as he looks around on the workers. Guy get the hint and quickly turn around taking out his sword  and stab the leader. All the workers are in shock over what happen. Guy didn't enjoy the killing the part. But to see the fear in there eyes after, how they feared him was what he wanted. "very good Gisbourne" the sheriff say to him and continue "Well enjoy the strike" 

While all this was happeing Rowena was reading herelf to go and visit Sir edward and Marion. She had chosen to wear dark green dress with a black belt and long sleeves. When she arrived at Knighton she was meet by Sir  "Lady Rowena"Sir edwards greet her and offers a small hug which she gladly takes. "Is Marion at home" "Yes she is upstairs in her room... Let the stable boy take your force" he holds he arm out to show her inside. She give the reigns to the boy and he quikly take the horse. Once inside she walks up the stairs to Marions room. She finds her cleaning a wound "Rowena eyes grow wide and she quickly shuts the door. "What have youn done" rowena ases her. "I had a run in to Guy" "Dear god Marion, you'll have to be more carefull... here let me" she takes her hand and begin to clean it. Before long they can hera horses. Rowena walks to the window "its Guy" she almost whisper. "What could he want. The door opens and Edward comes in. "Marion... Sir Guy wish to speak with you". Marion looks at Rowena. "Please go down I'll clean this" Marions nods and walk down. she couldn't quite hear what they were talking about. After she i done she walks down stairs.  "So you will come... Rowena"Guy says. He looks quite surprised to see her here. "Sir Guy" she bows her head. An erie silence filled the room. "I'll have to leave now, but I will send my carrige for you. The sheriff is sure that he will have Robin Hood today. The prize is a silver arrow" Guy speak as he tries to avoid eye contact with rowena"Silver?" Edward states. "Yes but it wont work, he is sending his lackies to do all his wrk. I confronted one this morning" "An outlaw" Rowena asked. By talking she was forcing Guy to look at her. "Or a disguesed villager... I will find him he is marked I put a wound to his arm... I was bing kind I should have killed him" Guy looked to Rowena "Godbye Sir Edward, Rowena" he looked at each of them nd then to Marion "My lady" he smirked and walked out the door. 

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