Trust and Betrayel

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When in sickness and time at your boyfriends apartment with wifi, pamper your readers ;P here is a new chapter to you all. 

Please feel free to vote or give a comment. 

Lots of love from Denmark :) 

Rowena dries her tears away. What would tears help now. Se needed to get Lambert out of that place and as fast as she could. It would only be a matter of time before the sheriff would start to torture him. She was on her way when see heard the sherriff. "dont take it so personally Gisbourne, consider the effect on the persants Oh look one of us have been made a nobel, if we work hard and behave as good boys and girls maybe we will be rewarded too... You see our point of view is that money and power will give him money and power and he will see the world from our point of view... Og and between you and me I have placed a surtain someone that will keep him on track... Loyal... Trust worthy" Rowena crept further behide the wall she had been hiding. Who was this person they spoke of? "If you'll excuse me my lord" she heard guys voice and quickly got behide a tabestry. Once Guy had walked pased her she choose to follow him. 

Guy goes to one of the gardens inside the castle. He kicks a bench so it falls and just then does he see Rowena. "Guy whats the matter" she asks and walks up to him "Nothing Rowena, Im Fine" He turns his bck to her. "I never thought the man I am to marry would turn his back at me" she says as she cross her arms. She hears hi sighs and turn around "Im sorry Rowena, Im not myself" he apollogies.  She let Her arms drops and pulls him into a hug. He quickly holds her tight too. "I've seen Lambert" she spoke quitely. Guy took a deep breath. "I can't save him Rowena.... He have made his choice" "You didn't give him any other choice" She pulled a little back, but not far enough to get out of his arms. "You think I have any say in the matter? Any was the sheriff has pulled me of the project" He growled the last part. "Is this why your angry?" she asks. "Yes" Guy said in a low voice. "Then take it back! The sheriff is a end game man he wouldn't care how you went about it" she said. Guy smirked alittle "Sounds to me you allready have a plan" "Only a little" she smiled. "You have to earn back Lamberts trust... Get him out of the jail and to a safe place... He will surely tell you were the ledger is then" she tried her best to convience him but he only looked to the ground "Lambert dont trust me any more.... It wont work" "If you proofed you could protect him he would". Guy pulled her closer "How" he whispered "Take him to Kirkleys... Perhaps tommorow during the concil of nobles... The sheriff would be busy" She looked him in the eyes "He our friend... Regain his trust, build on your friendship" She whispered. Guy placed a hand on her cheek and turn her face upwards. He pulled her into a soft kiss. The both got lodt in the kiss for some time until he softly pulled back "Very well Rowena" She smiled to him and pulled him into a new kiss. Once again Marian had heard it all, but so had the sheriff and each of them was planing their next move "I have to go now... Maybe you should go back to Locksley?" Guy had slowly pulled her back.  "No I'll think I'll stay tonight. Have to be here tomorrow any way" She looked up at him and he nodded. "Allright I have you room readied" "It allready is" She kissed him on the nose and left him.  

The next couple og hours was long for Guy. Lambert havn't exactly trusted him when he went to him and now the sheriff was painting his nails right infront of him. "Whats the matter hmm... Rowena getting dull?" He tauted Guy.  Guy took a deep breath "Tired my lord" he said simply. "You are proberly wondering where your loyalities lies" Guy looked surprised up at him "Well let me tell you were they do lie... Your friend.. Lambert... He slighted your loyalty you do know that he tolled Robin Hood where the ledgers were... The information he kept from you he gave to your enemy" the sheriff tolled him calmly. Guy felt how his pulse rose. "Now what friend would act so then all you efforted has been to protect him" Guy didn't know what to say. The sheriff crashed down to his shoulders " Take heart and look at the bigger picture... You black powder will open so many door for us, it is power beyond our imagination... Take heath that the sorry state of affair will not affect my judgement of you... Trust!... Then all others around fall that is our thing... We make a fine team my friend... A fine team... Lets build on it shall we?" Guy didn't know what to feel other than betrayed. "so I'll go and visit our friend... Should I tech him a thing or two about loyalty?" the sheriff asks. all Guy can do is nod. He knows he has now signed off on Lamberts death and Rowenas hatred. 

The next morning Rowena stood in the great hall and watch as the sheriff and Guy walks in. She walks right up to him. "Guy... What are you doing here?" She loked him straight in the eyes he took a deep breath "I wasn't able to do as planned, Im sorry... But somtims Layelties are devided... You should know Lambert is dead" "WHAT" she yelled. Every one turned around to them. She didn't spoke another word but stormed out of the hall and ran down to the priest where Lambert body layed. "where is the prisioner called Lambert" she asked the priest. "Lambert... Well he has allready been buried my lady" he spoke. "show me where... NOW!". He led her out to the fields where prisioners was layed to rest. "That cross there my lady" he pointed to a fresh grave. She walked over there and sat down. "Im so sorry my friend!" She stayed were for a good hour before she heard footsteps behide her. "how dare you come here" She asked angerly and got up to face him. She quickly pulled of her ring ang throws it at him "I'll be promissed to a man that will not keeps his word to me!" she stormed passed him but he graps his arm. "I didn't intend to do so" "I dont care... I thought you were a better man. I realised I was blinded and fooled by love" She couldn't look at him. He softly pulled her closer "Rowena... Please... I had to make a choice" "What choice?" "You know that I am all that stand between you and the sheriff... I would not see you harmed" he pulled her into his chest. He placed a finger under her chin and lifts her head up "I have to protect you" He bends down and pick up the ring. He rise and hold it up infront of her "will you were the ring again?" he asks. She looks at him for a long time and then nods. He place the ring again on her finger and kiss her tempel but she pulls away. "Dont touch me" She get out of his arms and walks away from him. Leaving him alone by his died friend. 

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