Guest in the Night

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AN/// God this one just popped into my head and I had to get it out! It is perhaps a bit of a filler and not the longest chapter but it is an importen one if you ask me :) Robin will also be a bit of the main character. 

I hope you'll enjoy it and please do feel free to comment or vote. Have a great day out there ;) 

Night was falling over Loksley and people were of to their beds. But a figure was slowly moving around in the shadows. Robin looked up at his old manor and saw the light was stile lit in Rowenas room. He slowly crawled his way up to the window and knock softly on the blinders. Rowena open them and gave him a reliefed smile. "Robin what are you doing here" "Well I came to see how you were. I realised the other day that I haven't spoken to you in a long time" He gave her soft smile. The night was warm so they stayed in the window. Guy was at the castle so they didn't have to worry about him hearing them. "Are you really okay?" he asked her. Worried like any brother would be "The villagers have tolled me they sometimes can hear you screaming at each other" He couldn't help but to smile a little. Glad that Rowena put up  fight and didn't let Guy tramp all over her. She smile too "Im not surprised to hear that and yes I am fine" She took his hand. 

Robin got a serious look. "What happen the night the manor was attacked" he asked her. Her hold on his hand got tighter and she took a deep breath. "I... I as alone in the manor, well Thornton and Sarah was here... We had all gone to bed when I heard this huge crash and Thornton yelling at me to run... "She paused and Robin didn't say a word. She looked out into the night and continued "I grabed my sword and ran into the hallway... Its was here a met the first one... Three more came up the stairs..." Robin could feel her hand starting to shake a little "I killed to first man, but the others overpowered me and threw me down the stairs... That was then the beating began... They then cut my dress open... And they..." She hold a hand to her mouth "Rowena" Robin whispered. "They burned the letter G onto my skin" she whispered "Where" he asked slowly "On my hip... After that they tried to... They tried..." she looked down on robins hand and notice it was all white. "But Guy came in... He saved me" she looked into Robin eyes. "If he hadn't come in that moment" A tear fell down her cheek. "I guess I own Gisbourne thanks" Robin pulled her into a hug. "Im so sorry that happen to you" He kissed the top of her head. She looked up at him and gave him a small smile. 

She pulled herself from his embrace. "Im fine, my wounds have healed" For a minute where was a silence between them. "Tell me about Marian... Do you still wish to marry her" she smiled at the thought of them two marring. He smiled "I loved that... But I dont know if it is in the cards for us" he looked down "When the king returns it will happen" "If he returns" Robin corrected her. She gave him a sad smile "My my, are we loosing fate?" she asked him. "No, but the chance is there... And Marian is of marring age, as are you too" "Please dont remind me" SHe gave him a light push on his shoulder "Why hasn't either of your married?" Robin asked. He had a good piont for sure. "Well you dont see many suitors then you are living under the same roof with a man and as of Marian... I think she was waiting for you" She smiled to him. He smiled and nodded accepting for answer. "I have to go now Rowena, but I will try to come by more often" "Dont worry youself Robin... Im alright and Guy will protect me" she assured him. He gave her a small nod an then jumped down from the window. He waved to her and set of into the forrest. But he was not going back to camp, he had to make one last visit this night.  

Robin slowly walked thourgh Nottingham hiding under a cloak. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. He could get caught or even killed if Gisbourne was awake. Slowly he made his way to the castle and up to Guy room. For some strange reason there was no guard. He slowly made his way to the door only to startel by a woman huffed cries and moans. Then he heard and armour rustle. He couldn't help but to smile. The guard apperantly thought he had other buiness to tend to. Robin open the door as slowly as he could hoping it wouldn't make a sound. Luck was clearly on his side tonight. he smiled and closed it behinde him. He slowly made hi way to the bed were Guy was sleeping. He pulled hi sword and hold it to his neck. 

Guy woke up the secnd the blade touch his skin. He looked up to see a cloaked figure "Who are you" he hisse. Knowing he was the underdog in this situation he did not move. Robin pulled the top of the cloak of. "I should have known... Come to kill me" "I wished, but no not to night" Guy hardly believed him for the blade was pushed further aginst his skin. "Came to gave you my thanks" "Your thanks?" Guy didn't quite understand what was going on. "I've heard what happen the night the manor was attacked" Guy relaxed a bit more. Now understanding why he was here. "You saved her from a terrible fate... For that you have my thanks" Robin slowly pulled the sword of Guys skin, but still hold it close to his neck. Guy nodded to Robin. "But dont think that change my appion about you... I care for her as a sister. If I ever hear that you lay a hand on her it will not matter to me that you saved her... I will kill you..." Robin warned. He had both seen and heard of a kinderling romance between Rowena and Guy. He hated it but he now knew that Guy would protec her. It eased his mind just a little. "I made her promise and I intend to keep her... Now leave before I call the guard" He growled at Robin. "Oh you guard..." Robin grin "I think his mind and body are somewere els right now... A place any man wish to be" Robin grin and quickly make his way to the door. 

Guy quickly gets up from the bed and dress the breches and take hi swaord running after Robin. But when he gets to the hallway Robin is allready gone. He threw his head back but then hear his guard walking up to him "Sir Guy?" he question. "LEAVE!" he yell at the soldier. It take a mere second for the soldier to follow orders. Guy went back into his room and sat down on his bed. Knowing he wouldn't get any more sleep tonight he washed him self and got dressed. Dawn was slowly aproching and Guy desided to watch the sun rise. He thought on Rowena, thier morning. Thier kissing. Imaging her body under his. His manhood rose at the thought of it. He took a deep breath and watch the sun.  

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