Warning and Practice

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AN// Sooooo.... here's a new chapter :D I really hope you are going to love it! I loved writing it anyway, so I hope that shined through. But remember I will always love to hear your comments :) Good or bad, please do tell what you think :) 

Please Enjoy :)

"So Gisbourne tell me... Did you make her beg for forgivenes... Did she cry?" the sheriff asked while taking a bird out from its cage. It was evident to Guy that he was waiting for a story, that would end in Rowena waiting to be hang in the dungeon. "She proved her innocence my lord" "What did you say" she sheriff asked and Guy heard a faint crack. The bird sang no more. "She proved her innocence... and" "and what" the sheriff hissed at him. "We are engaged". The sheriff turned to look at him. He walked to the window and thruw the bird out it. "Really" his voice was erriely calm. "Yes my lord... We wish for you blessing" "Oh but you have it my dear boy" he halfly mocked Guy "thank you my lord" "I trust that you'll keep her in a short leash" "My lord I" "Dont try to defend her... To rule a woman you first have to make her understand her place... And where is that Gisbourne" "Beneath us" "CORRECT... I dont you dare to forget" "I wont my lord" Guy ensured him. "Good... Now go with my blessing" Guy turned to leave then the sheriff called "Oh and Gisbourne... remember you own me a hanging now... I had looked forward to this one". The sheriff laughed a little. Guy took a deep breath and walked down to trainging yard to go through a round with his guads. 

A couple of hours later Rowena stood inside the stables when she heard  hoves stomping in to court yard. She watch as Guy led his horse in. He led his horse to its box. He hadn't notice her jet and took his jacket of. Rowena cant remember the last time she saw him without his leather  jacket. He turned his attention back to his horse. He saddle down and begn to brush it of. It was facinating for her to see how he worked. He was precise and to her surprise caring. He stroke the beast neck in long slow motion. Down its back and its leg. Rowena imagine what it would be like if he did that to her. She couldn't help but sighed. Guy reacted immediatly on the noise and looked her direction. She stepped out infront of her horse. "Rowena... You been there all the time?" he asked her. He relaxed his hands on his hips and gave her a somehow stern look. "Do you really mind" she asked and smirked and stroked her horse muzzle. He gave her a smirked back. "I would have liked to know yes" he stated and slowly walked up to her. "Really... why" She felt like playing a game and Guy sensed it too. If she dared to play who was he to stop her? 

He walked up to her. "So what are you doing out here" he asked her. "Im just tending to Tristan" the hore lightly bump her shoulder for attention "I see... His a lucky horse" Guy said in the low voice. "What about you sure Guy... What made you tend your horse" she asked holding his eyecontact. "I need to think" he statet and his face moved closer to hers "About" she smiled. He smirked and leaned in closer to her ear "Do you dare to know" he whispered to her. His breath on her skin send shivers down her spine. She couldn't help to smile "Do you think me a coward Sir Guy" she whispered back. They both search each other eyes in exciment. "Never my lady". Guy took her hands and slowly guided her backwards until she could feel a wall behide her. "Do you remember what you asked this aftermoon" he looked straight into her eyes. He wanted her to want him. He wanted her to earn her him. To beg for pleasure. A small smile and a blush appeared on her face. "I do" she confirmed. he pressed his body up against hers. "I want take you until our wedding night... But" he whispered the last part to her as he leaned his forehead on hers "I dont see why we couldn't practice a little bit" "Practice?" she asked. "Yes... Get to know each other... in new ways" He smirked. She ws both speachless but she could still feel a smile spread on her lips. 

"But..." he said and lifted he head upwards with a finger. "You have to trust me... completely". She could see that he was very seriously. "I trust you" She barely got to finish the sentece before he kissed her with all his might and strenght. In one swift move he had grabbed her legs and placed them around his waist. In fright she had thrown her arms around his neck. She could barely hold against this man, showing all his dominance. She enjoyed how he had taken the control. Suddenly she was aware of the position she had been out in. She could feel his erection up agianst her inner thigh. His hands was on her butt to keep her up. But his hands slowly brushed up and down them. She broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. He looked for permission and she for some answers. He slowly leaned in again and slowly placed kisses down her jaw line. By insticnt she tilted her head back and close her eyes. A new felling of warm spread through her and she could feel how her pulse grew. She tensed by al this. Guy felt her tense and whispered in her ear "relax Rowena... I promise you... nothing bad wil happen to you". She turned her head and look into to his eyes. He kissed her again softly slowly pressed him self closer to her. How that was possible she wasn't quite sure. The only thing she knew for surstain was that she felt safe in his strong arms. She closed her eyes and gave into his affections. He moved his lips to her neck. 

She open her eyes in surprise by the feeling of lips. It had changed. Becoming a new sensation. If she didn't know bette she could have sworn his lips was everywhere on her body. He send waves through her. Each time his lips touch her skin she felt like she was growing weaker and stronger at the same time. "Guy" She whisper in a hush was. Guy smirked. He knew this sound very well. She was feeling arousel for the first time and by his action. He felt erection grow an inch more. she slowly let go of her legs. He still hold her close still he knew for surstain that she felt the ground beneath her. She looked into his eyes. A mixture of all kind of emotions was streaming through her. He smiled and kissed her again "We better marry soon" he said. She couldn't help but to chuckle alittle. "Come let get inside" he took her hand. He walked them over to his horse and took his jacket and put it on. "You should take is of then you get home" she said. He looked a bit confused on her. "When we get married" she continued. "Why?" he asked. "Because I want you to be relaxed when you walked trough the door... To not be the sheriff right hand" She pulled him into a hug. He took a deep breath. He placed an arm around her shoulder. What was this woman doing to him. Could the sheriff really be right. Could she really be changing him? And was it for better or worse? He couldn't gve her an answers. She looked up at him. "Come Sir Guy. Lets hav dinner" She lead him outside the stables and into the manor.  

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