The second meeting

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Four years before Robin comes home

Rowena was walking around the streets of Nottingham with Marian. The two women had been friends for a long time. "I envy you Rowena" "What? How so?" "You are your own master, you dont have a man to dictate what you should do or think" "no know is telling you what to think marian" Rowena stopt by a flower shop. A little girl sat in the front and made flower crowns out of daisies. Rowena smiled down to her. The young looked up at her and gave her a big smile "how much for that crown young lady" Rowena asked. The girl looked up at her mother "for you Lady nothing" her mother smiled "please let me pay something" "then pay what you think fit" the woman smiled. Most for the merchants knew that there was reason in arguing with Rowena. She gave the girl a silver coin. The yound girl placed the flower crown on her head.

Rowena and Marian walked on. "You are too kind sometimes" Marian smiles to her friend "No more than you" They startet to walk up to thw castle as a band of men in black rode through the city gates. Six men in the front, a carriage and six men again the back. Both women stop at looked at them ride by. It was then Rowena notice the knight rising beside the carriage. He had dark hair and his face was very masculine.

The knight also took notice of the two young maid that looked up at his party. Both extremly beutifull but the one with the flower crown captures his eyes at first. He smirk and push his horse forward. He was sure he would see the two young maids again.

"Were your father expecting guest" Rowena asked "not what I know of" Marian stated. The young women went straight to Marian quarters and quickly change into somehting more formal. Five minutes after they are done Marians father calls for them to join him and the new quests in the great hall.

"Ahh here they are" Sir Robert hold his hands out to Marian and she takes it. "This is my daughter Lady Marian. And the other young lady is Lady Rowena of Loksley" Guys head shoots up when he heard the name Loksley. This beauty infront of him was his sisters old playmate.

"Ladies this is Sir Vaisey and Sir Guy of Gisbourne" Sir robert introduces his guest. This time it was Rowena that  looked up at the youngest of the two. How had she not seen it. The jaw, his nose the black hair. It was all Guy. "I must confess that Lady Rowena and I all ready have meet" Guy spoke and smirked. "Oh really" Vaisey asked a bit confused like the rest of the company. "Yes but it is almost 15 summers ago... Do you remenber?" He asked and looked into her green eyes. She quickly lost in his blue eyes "I do Sir Guy" she gave him a small smile

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