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I woke up the next morning feeling like shit. I pried Cameron's arms off my waist and ran to the bathroom. I threw up in the toilet, Cam came and started rubbing my back and pulling back my hair. I scrunched up my nose and wiped my mouth. I brushed my teeth twice in the sink and washed my face. I took off my clothes because my body felt like it was on fire. I kept my bra and underwear on.

"You okay? " He asked with a concerned expression. I nodded no and layed down again.

" I can take you to the doctor if you want"

"Yes please I feel horrible" I tried to laugh and hugged him and went to the bathroom looking forward to the shower. I stripped off my undergarments and turned the shower to the perfect temperature.

I stood in there for about an hour even after washing, shampooing and condiontining. I got out and wrapped myself in a towel and saw folded clothes on the toilet seat. It had a note that said:

Hope you feel better for now princess
- Cam

How'd he get in here? I was wondering but just shrugged it off . My undergarments were there. There was also a knit see through long sleeve with a neon pink crop top under. Then there were pom pom edged shorts with tribal pattern (outfit above). I got dressed in the clothes and got out the bathroom.

"You should eat something at least"He suggested. I nodded and went downstairs. I felt weak and dizzy so I held the railing. He noticed and held my waist to stabilize me.

He made me chicken noodle soup. I tried to at as much as I could but rushed to the downstairs bathroom and ended up throwing it up.

"Were going to the doctor now forget the soup" He picked me up and grabbed his keys from his jeans. He was wearing a tank top and denim jeans with Jordans. Damn he looks like Jesus came down to earth in human form.

He was carrying me bridal style and still managed to open the door. He opened the car door and layed me down in the back seat. I felt like throwing up again.

"Cam are we almost there " I groaned "I'm gonna puke again"

He pulled out a plastic bag from the compartment in the passenger seat. He gave it to me and I puked in it for the 3rd time today. When we got to the hospital I threw up again near the lobby. The doctor took me in for my turn.

"Ms. Gilinsky, tell me how have you been feeling" Dr. Hilton asked.

"Well, I woke up and I felt sick then I threw up once and I ate soup and threw up again, then in the car I threw up and also in the lobby" I explained

"Hmm, have you gotten your period yet? Or had any sexual intercourse " He question in a doctor- ish tone.

"No, my period is usually supposed to come next week and no I'm a virgin"

"Ok, so I'm going to touch a few spots on your stomach and check your temperature etc.. " He told me. I was laying in one of those check up beds.

He patted a spot on the left side of my stomach and then the right. I nodded no and signified it didnt hurt. When he touched a spot below my breasts, Cameron winced. Mhm, what was that all about? He checked my body temperatures.

Apparently I have a fever and a stomach virus. My temperature was really high, 102.6°F. He told me to take some pills called ibuprofen (A/N: Medication. There are no drugs that can cure stomach flu; antibiotics cannot help because the condition is usually caused by a virus. Ibuprofen - can help with fever and aches, but it should be used cautiously as it might upset the stomach and give the kidneys extra work to do when they are already dehydrated.) After that we drove home silently, I took a doze of the medicine at the hospital to cure it at least for a while till it wears off.

When we got home Cam sat on the couch. I layed on top of his lap.

"My tummy hurts" I whined. He ran his hand down to my stomach and rubbed circles repeatedly. It made me feel better in a way and surprisingly the pain actually went away slowly. As in 10 minutes tops. I was wearing a crop top so his hands were soft against my bare skin. I actually fell asleep on his lap.

I wish I could tell you how much I love you

He said and kissed my forehead just before I fell asleep. And I'm guessing he thought I was sleeping. Which broke my heart, I always wondered why he couldn't tell me.




Lots and lots of love to the ppl that actually take time to read my book xx. (-: ❤

-MalikxDallasxIrwin ❤

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