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Six months later..

Day of Wedding

I was getting ready for my wedding day. My mom was helping me because my stomach was bigger than ever. My babies could be born anytime this month. She zipped up the dress that was double my actual size and it fit perfect. She put on my heels and closed them up.

Rachel came in and did my hair while Jazmina did my makeup. When she finished off my hair she put in the hair veil thingy. I got up with their help and walked out towards where the ceremony was. I saw Cameron already standing there and he looked really nervous. I took my father's hand and we started the journey down the isle.

I kept repeating my vow to him in my head. We walked down the isle slowly, waves of anxiety rushed through me. Cameron rubbed his hands together and wiped the sweat from his forehead. When I got to where the priest was and stood there.

I grabbed Cameron's hands, which were sweating. "Cam we're getting married. " I smiled. He nodded and smiled back. The priest started speaking ans saying whatever they usually say.

"Please present your vows now" He instructed. I cleared my throat.

" Today, Cameron ,I join my life to yours, not merely as your wife, but as your friend, your lover, and your confidant.Let me be the shoulder you lean on, the rock on which you rest, the companion of your life.With you I will walk my path from this day forward. Cameron I love you so " I finished off crying

" Today I choose you, Amber, to be my life partner.I promise to sleep by your side, to be the joy of your heart, the food of your soul and the best person I can be for you.I promise to laugh with you when times are good, and to suffer with you when they are bad.I promise to wash away your tears with my kisses and to hold you sweetly and gladly until our days on earth are over. I love you Amber " He said as tears ran down his face.

"You may kiss the bride "

Cameron kissed me so passionately with so much love. He pulled away after a while and everyone cheered. I threw my flower bouquet in the air and Amanda caught it. That's another wedding I'll be attending. As we walked down the isle I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Water rushed down my legs, my water broke.

I clutched my stomach as swirls of pain came from my stomach. Each contraction hurt more as the pain sent waves through my back and the rest of my body. I moaned in pain. "I'm having the babies" I screamed.

Everybody rushed to my side while Cameron called the ambulance. "Breath baby" My mom instructed. I breathed in and out. I heard sirens in the distance coming close. They pulled onto the beach where my wedding was.

EMTs rushed out the ambulance with a stretcher. They lifted me onto the stretcher and brought me into the ambulance. Cameron rode the ambulance with me and held my hand. We got to the hospital shortly and they rushed me into the emergency room.

Dr. Hilton came in and and started the procedure. "I need you to push, okay?"

I pushed as hard as I could screaming in pain, squeezing Cameron's hand. "A little more," I pushed harder than ever and one of the babies came out. I breathed in relief but remembered there was another.

"HOLY CRAP" He screamed "That's disgusting."

I screamed and then Cameron cut the umbilical cord.

I pushed again over and over receiving more pain than I've ever felt. The boy came out this time. I layed back lazily and weak.

This was probably the worse yet best day of my life...

To be continued..

Author's Note

So SLWCD has finally ended meaning it's time for the sequel

Yeah,yeah I know short chapter

Hah sequel will be updated today btw I made this at summer school so I'm not supposed to be on my phone probably why the chapter is so crappy

Eek sorry


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