Chapter 15

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"F*ck! Who's calling me!?" 

I cursed under my breath and give all of my strength to stand up and pick the phone that was placed on my desk.

"Why did I even put it there!?"

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Oh~ Aldren, you pick it up."

"Glasses kid-- I mean, Eugene? Where'd you get my number?"

"That's not important, I have something to offer for you."

"Ha? didn't I tell you I don't want anything from--"

"Easy, easy there Aldren... I'm sure you won't turn down this offer especially about the old man you want to destroy."

"What? Pota! Ba't alam mo!?"

"Ah~~ I get the feeling that you're shocked my I know about it."

"You can't hide anything from me, Aldren."

"What do you want."

A faint chuckle could be heard from the other line.

"He's probably enjoying this so much that he knows about that old man... but how?"

"The exchange I will need is quite easy..."

"Tell me what do you want."

"I want you to participate in an event tonight... Win it and the reward is all yours."

"Don't tell me it's an underground fight?"

"You get it easily."

"So, the exchange?"






"Destroy hostile for me..."









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