Chapter 23(Antithesis 8 Finale part 2) former human beatdown

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Hola everyone CochoVerde here this is the second part of the finale of the arc it might be short but might be good or bad also thanks you for the 5.3k reads I'm greatful for that but for now onto the chapter.

Hokuto was basking in his victory as Moka then asked one of the girls to do something as it surprised them.

Outside of the barrier Tamamo then saw the barrier and was stunned not to mention the himura sisters was seeing this.

Sakura: Wait, The Barrier to yokai!! Someone is trying to destroy it!!

Guuji: I'll call the Raiden sisters for this.

Guuji then when to the temple as she brought out the one offering that can summon the Two or at least one of them, the dangos.

As she placed them a figure appeared and ate the dango as it was gone in an instant while another was deadpan.

???: Really sis you really to stop eating those dangos.

???: I can't help it Makoto. I'm taking care of my Little bundle.

Makoto: Uhh Ei, I think the barrier you made for your husband's school is destroyed. (Didn't expect that didn't you?)

Ei: Guuji tell me what is going on?

Guuji: I don't know but I think it's a group of delinquent monster outcasts that have discovered and destroyed the barrier.

Makoto: I see well its time to help your husband and my brother in law.

The girls then looked in shocked as Moka asked to do a favor

Kurumu: You want me to what!?

I.Moka: You heard me pull it

Kurumu then yanked the rosary as it shocked both of them until part of the seal broke releasing Inner Moka who then kicked the Anti Thesis leader surprising him.

The man was not happy that his plan is now starting to go awry.

Hokuto: You want to know why I'm doing this?

The man took off his shirt to reveal a holy lock surprising everyone

Hiroshi: Holy lock!?

Tsukune: Then that means..

Hokuto: Yes just like you Aono, I was human as well. I had to rely on myself do survive this damn school and to do that I had to become a monster to become stronger as it's the reason why I want to destroy this place this is my goal.

Shoto then got a call from Guuji as it surprised him.

Guuji: Shoto tell me what's going on?

Shoto: the leader of the Anti Thesis group just took the cross by attacking headmaster.

Ei: What did he say?

Guuji: Ei, Your husband was attacked by a outcast monster and stole the cross.

Ei was stunned her husband, the man who is father of her future child, was hurt by an arrogant monster. She them used her lightning as she went in a flash.

Makoto: EI! Damn it come on Guuji!

Meanwhile Hokuto was slashing at Tsukune until Hiroshi blocked the attack with his sword.

Hiroshi: I'm not letting my friend die again!! Not now not ever!!

Hokuto: Then die like the rest!!

Hokuto went for a slice but was kicked by Moka as she took the opportunity to surprise him. But out of nowhere Hokuto then slammed the two as they were worn-out from Yoshii's attacks mostly Hiroshi but as The Anti Thesis leader was about deliver the final blow a blade appeared as it was Ei blocked the attack with her Naginata but the other was Tsukune on the other arm.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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