Insecure Niall

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You were lying in bed with Niall watching some crap that you didn't even know the name of on his TV, just happy to be with him seeing as it not very often the two of you can just relax together due to his touring. He had his arm wrapped around you and your hand was laying on his chest, your attention was directed away from the TV to Nialls toned chest and torso, you couldn't help but run your hand down to his abs but when you did so he tensed and pulled your hand back up as he whispered a simple "don't babe". 

You frowned at this knowing the reason why he didn't want to to touch his stomach area, he had no need to be self- conscious about it, you couldn't see why someone so perfect would have insecurities. "Babe, you are perfect" You whispered moving your hand back down to his abs whilst looking up to his eyes which had now been drawn away from the TV to look into your own blue ones. 

"no I am not" he said. This caused you to sigh and then straddle his waist, confusion spreading across his whole face. Soon enough though his hands found their way to your thighs that were only half covered with one of Nialls T-shirts, he slowly started rubbing circles and different patterns up and down your thighs, staring intently at his fingers. "I don't care how much you deny it Niall, to me you are perfect in every way, from your gorgeous blue eyes, your naturally soft pink lips, your toned torso and chest, your little legs, all the way down to that little awkward overlapping toe you have, I love it all"  you told him giving him a quick yet intimate kiss afterwards. Niall didn't seem quite satisfied with that, pulling you down for a longer, deeper kiss in which he quickly dominated, flipping your positions so that he was leaning over you on his forearms. After pulling away for air Niall looked in your eyes and whispered "how in gods name did I end up with someone as perfect as you"  smiling towards the end, you couldn't see how he considered you to be perfect, yet put himself down, he was way out of your league. "I ask myself the same thing every single day Mr Horan" You said laughing at the end "I love you Princess" he said placing his lips back to yours "Not as much as I love you" you breathed after yet another make out session. 

My twitter is Leprechoran98 if you want to follow me, I follow back :) 

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