College Work

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You were sitting at your dining room table trying to get all of your college homework done when Niall, your boyfriend came over to you, hot chocolate in hand "thought you might want this babe" Niall said setting the mug in front of you and sitting down at the chair across from you "Thanks Ni" you said still trying to concentrate on your homework. "you almost done?" He asked causing you to look up at him "ha, I wish I still have math and sociology to do" You laughed "here let me look" Niall said grabbing a handful of papers and looking at them "what in gods name is this?" Niall exclaimed, you peered over to see that Niall was looking at your algebra homework "that's math babe" You chuckled "well maybe math isn't for me" he laughed picking up your sociology homework, you looked over to see him scrunching his eyebrows in confusion as he read the pages, you wanted to see if Niall could understand any of it so you put your pen down and carefully observed him "what is secularization?" You heard Niall read the question to himself but completely mis-pronouncing it making it sound more like 'seck-ul-uh-riz-ay-shon' "secularization babe" you corrected him "and that is?" he asked "the view that religion is declining in importance" you explained to him "ah ok, well look at you smarty pants" he said sticking his tongue out at you as he placed the papers back at your side again. "giving up already Horan?" you smirked, taking a sip of the hot chocolate Niall made you "that stuff isn't my sort of thing, I am lucky to have made it into this business, otherwise I would be on the streets" he joked "even on the streets I would love you" You smiled as you finished writing the last sentence of your 7000 word essay for English. "I highly doubt that" he chuckled "you can't even stand my man odor after the gym" He added "I don't think you realize how bad your sweat smells, your lucky I even let you in the house" you teased him "don't lie princess, we all know you love it" He grinned putting his bare feet up on the table so that his toes were inches from your face "ew that's gross Niall" you laughed playfully pushing them off the table "not as gross as your homework" he retaliated like a five year old. "well babe after you have finished with that, you want to watch a movie?" he asked "yeah, that sounds great" you replied, looking forward to finishing up your sociology homework, seeing as you could do the math tomorrow. "I will go get the blankets and everything so that you can finish that morse code or whatever in peace" he laughed walking away "it's sociology" you shouted through as you both laughed "more like hell" he responded 

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