"The last time I checked" (not famous)

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You were sitting on one of the colleges plushy seats waiting for your next class when a boy came up to the seating area. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and in all honesty was absolutely gorgeous but you of course couldn't show him that, thinking he wouldn't like you back. He sat down on the seat next to you and pulled his IPhone 6+ out of his pocket whilst dumping his bag on the floor in front of him. You were feeling a little uncomfortable seeing as this really hit boy was within 5ft of you causing you to shift a bit in your chair. After shifting around a bit you went back to reading a fan fiction that you were reading but you felt eyes boring into the top of your head, when you looked up you saw the boy holding his phone up on selfie mode in snapchat, just as you looked up he snapped a pic. "had to brighten my story up a bit, and whats a better way that adding a beautiful girl to it, ay?" Niall smirked causing you to blush "I'm Niall, Niall Horan" he said putting his hand out "I'm (y/n)" you said meeting his hand with your own, shaking it. "so you wouldn't happen to be texting yer boyfriend would ye?" Niall said "what? no no I don't have a boyfriend"  you said hoping Niall wouldn't ask what you were actually doing. "I swear the boys here are crazy, how can you not have a boyfrien- oh wait are you a lesbian, I am so sorry I didn't even think-" Niall started rambling causing you to giggle "Niall, I'm straight and you're too sweet" you said "oh my thank god, and I'm only telling the truth" he winked "not many guys are into me" you said quietly "Well I am definitely into ya, and the last time I checked I was a guy" he chuckled looking down to his manhood causing you to laugh now. "so what do ya say to giving this guy your number and maybe going to lunch after your class?" He said smiling "yeah, that sounds good" You smiled back as he gave you his phone. You typed your number in and handed your phone back and within seconds you received a text saying  'hi beautiful' causing you to look up and blush, Niall winking at the realization "see ya later Courtney" he said picking his bag up and walking off to what you assume was his next class. 

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