Don't touch her

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Niall and you went to the local mall to look for new outfits for the vacation you two were going on in a week, you were going to Florida so you knew that it would be really hot despite how many times Niall told you. "where do you want to go first love?" Niall asked you referring to all the stores in the mall "I don't mind, how about you?" you said really not caring where we went first, as long as you were with Niall you didn't mind "that's why I asked you babe because I don't even know the first thing about shopping" Niall chuckled "well how about we go to Topshop, since there is a boys and a girls section" you suggested "sure, now what way is that?" Niall asked looking down all four alleys of shops you had the choice of "this way dummy" you laughed grabbing his hand and heading to the right. "see what would I do without you?" He laughed "walk around naked all the time?" you replied "I'm sure you would love that" Niall said, a smirk evident on his face "Don't get your hopes up Horan" You said causing his smirk to fall and you to start laughing. You had now arrived at Topshop and there were two halves, the boys and girls "Now babe, how about we meet back here in say 30 minutes and see what we have?" you suggested "okay, see you then" he said kissing your forehead. You walked over to the womens half and started to pick out a variety of shorts and shirts and what not, after having a whole handful of clothes you decided to go to the dressing room to try some things on but upon doing so you walked into someone "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" you said looking up, your face soon turning to a look of horror, it was your abusive ex. "Well well, long time no see" your ex said "l-leave me alone Chad" you stuttered slightly "you know I wasn't too happy when you just ran away like that" He scolded grabbing your wrist. You tried tugging your hand away from his but to no avail. "don't struggle honey, it will just make it worse" he hissed dragging you into a changing room stall. You mentally cursed at the fact that the store was extremely quiet and no one was in the other changing rooms. "Niall, I need you, Ni-" You started to shout but were cut short when Chad clamped his hand over your mouth "shut up b!tch" He spat at you. You tried pushing him off but he was too strong and before you know it he had pinned your hand above you with his free hand. "What the hell do you think you are doing" You heard an all to familiar voice roar. You sighed in relief as Chad let you go but then panicked again as Chad walked over to Niall. "I asked you what you thought you were doing" Niall hissed through clenched teeth "I was teaching this bitch a lesson" Chad chuckled "One, you do not call her a bitch and two, that girl over there, just happens to be mine so I suggest you leave" Niall seethed,  his face getting red "and what are you going to do if I don't" Chad teased "how about THIS?!" Niall shouted as he threw a punch to Chads jaw causing him to stumble back. You took this as your chance to run over to Niall and just as you did so Niall threw one last punch straight to Chad's gut. "Now if you ever, ever touch my girl, or come near her, or heck even think about her again, this won't seem bad at all" Niall said as he pushed an already bent over Chad to the ground "you okay princess?" Niall asked looking at you worried "yeah yeah I am fine" you replied "wanna get going to another shop?" He asked "yeah yeah" You sighed. After a few moments of silence Niall then asked "who was that?" "my ex" you said quietly knowing it would make Niall mad, seeing as he knew that Chad was abusive. "boy I wish I had fuc.ked him up more" Niall said "it's fine, and thank you Niall" You said "no problem babe, no one gets to touch my girl" "well apart from me" he added chuckling a bit "can you imagine how crazy the fans would have gone, knowing dark Niall came to life" I laughed thinking of all the fan fiction I used to read "lets just say there would be a trend on twitter and a ton of edits" he laughed, me 100% agreeing. 

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