Jealous Niall

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You and Niall were having a calm night in watching all of your favorite movies, so far you had watched Finding Nemo, Grease, The Notebook and now you were onto Thor. Niall came back into the room after getting snacks, a big tub of ice cream in one hand and spoons in the other. "Got cookie dough babe, your favorite" He said winking as he sat next to you, he then pulled the covers back over you as you snuggled into him and opened up the ice cream tub. Niall dug his spoon into the ice cream "open up babe" he said causing you to smile and open your mouth. Niall started making airplane noises and he moved the spoon closer to your mouth, just as it got within your reach he snatched it back "stop" you giggled causing him to laugh and put the ice cream in your mouth. The both of you continued to feed each other up until your favorite part was coming up, it was the scene where Thor was shirtless, just as you were getting ready to watch it, Niall grabbed the remote and skipped the whole scene where he was shirtless "Nialllll" you whined "what I hate that part, it's pointless, just another excuse for him to show off his body" Niall scoffed and it was then you realized that he was jealous "aww is someone a little jealous?" You teased "hah no, just pissed at these pretty boys always trying to get attention" he said a little frown on his face "yeah yeah whatever floats your boat" you laughed, It was silent for a while until Niall chirped up "do you wish my body was like that?" Your face completely dropped. Yeah you thought that Hemsworth had a nice body, but not the sort of body you wanted, you loved Nialls body. "no Niall, I love your body like it is, I don't want you to have his body at all" "don't lie" Niall said "I am not lying I promise" you tried to tell him "Then why is that your favorite part?" he asked "Well, what girl doesn't like a shirtless guy"  you said " so is this now your favorite part og tonight?" Niall smirked as he took his shirt off "definately, way better than the movie" you giggled snuggling into his bare chest "Thor better watch out, I'm rising up" Niall laughed, you feeling his chest boom slightly from his laughter.

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