When you hurt I hurt

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You were getting ready to go on a date with Niall, who had been your boyfriend for about three months now and you were beyond excited seeing as you hadn't seen him in over a week due to a lot of studio time and photoshoots. You had just got out of the shower and wrapped one towel around your head and the other around your body just until you pick out some clothes. As you walked over to your wardrobe you saw a really cute pair of shorts that you had bought last weekend that you hadn't worn or even tried on yet. You also picked out a cream blouse and baggy cardigan. As you looked in the mirror after getting changed you cursed aloud seeing that the shorts didn't quite cover the self harm scars that you had caused the previous night. You hadn't told Niall that you self harmed seeing as you didn't want to worry him and nor did you plan on telling him therefore you pulled your shorts off and walked back over to your cupboard and pulled out three more pairs of shorts to see what ones looked best. Little did you know that Niall had snuck into your house to surprise you and pick you up early. Looking in the mirror again wearing now what was the second pair of shorts you realized that you must have cut too far down without realizing because these were also too short. You pulled them off letting out a loud groan of frustration and just as you threw them at the wall Niall walked in. "Are you okay babe?" He asked and then his eyes went wide. You immediatly picked your towel up and wrapped it around your waist in hopes that Niall hadn't already seen your scars and that he was just shocked that he had walked in on you getting changed, but that was to no luck. "What were those?" Niall asked coming closer to you "what were what?" You replied acting like you had no clue as to what he was on about "oh come on, you know what I am talking about, don't play dumb" He said sternly but not cruel. The whole situation caused you to crumble to the floor, tears erupting from you. Niall knelt down so he was at your level "Shh, shhh" he whispered in attempts to soothe you as he kissed your forehead and rubbed your back. "please don't leave me Niall, please" you begged him, hands still covering your face "Hey look at me" Niall said as he pulled your hands from your face "Why would I ever leave you?" He asked looking into your teary eyes "because I am a freak, who has to cut herself just to get relief" You sobbed again pulling your hands back up to your face. Niall pulled them away again and put his fingers under your chin forcing you to look at him, the other hand holding your wrists "I would never ever leave you, and you are not a freak at all okay? I promise that I Niall James Horan will do everything I can to stop this" "but how?" I asked my sobs dying down to quiet cries "where are you blades, or whatever you use?" He asked "under the bathroom sink in the q tip box" you replied watching him stand up and then go to the bathroom after you told him. After you heard a lot of moving of extra shampoo bottles and nail polishes excreta, Niall came back through, the blue q-tip box in hand, he then sat cross legged in front of me and took out a blade "what are you doing?" you asked "just watch" He said and then he put the blade to his wrist "Niall, no!" you exclaimed but you were too late, there was blood already running down his arm. "what did you do that for Niall?" you shouted feeling hurt because he was hurt "how do you feel princess?" He asked "Well sick and hurt because I hate seeing you in pain" you responded "so now you know how I felt seeing all the scars, right?" he said raising an eyebrow to which you responded with a nod "so everytime you feel the need to cut, think about how it made you feel to see me do it, because everytime you do it, you are hurting me" He said in a low voice "o-ok" you replied not sure of whether or not you could just stop "but babe I know it will be hard, but just promise me you will try, just try to stop okay?" He asked looking hopeful "I promise Niall" you said and he englufed you in a huge hug and lifted you up "Now lets get you into some pants or shorts or something so we can go on our date" he said smiling at me "okay, I love you Niall" that was the first time those three words had been said and you weren't quite sure if he felt the same way back yet "I love you so much more" he said kissing you 

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