In a restaraunt

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It was a Thursday night and like usual you were working at a local restaurant as hostess, greeting people as they come in, and showing them to a table. Business wasn't too fast tonight so you were talking to a few co-workers about how a couple at the bar were clearly too drunk to even know what they were doing. You saw a black Range Rover parking up just outside the restaurant so you walked away from your co-workers ready to greet the next customers. You pulled out a few menus and wraps of silverware and when you looked up you almost dropped them, your jaw hinging open. "H-hi welcome to Mustards Last Stand, do you want a booth or a table, sir" you asked trying not to stutter due to the fact Niall freaking Horan was standing right in front of you. "A booth please" he responded politely with a huge smile on his face "ok sir let me just take you to your table" you said walking out from behind your little podium and towards the back corner where all the booths are located "is this booth okay sir?" You asked nervously looking at him put his phone back in his pocket "oh yeah, this is great" He said smiling at you and sitting down "here is your menu and silverware, your waitress will be over in a few moments to assist you" you smiled at him then walked away. You were mentally cursing yourself in your head, what if you weren't polite enough? what if you looked like an idiot? what if you sounded stupid for the occasional stutter? you questioned yourself as you walked back to your co-workers "oh my god, you will never believe who just walked in" you exclaimed to all the girls "who?" One of them questioned "Niall Horan" You squealed "No way" The same girl replied, all of the co-workers then peaking round the corner to see that Niall Horan was in fact seated in this very restaurant. "holy shit" one of the other co workers gasped. All of a sudden your manager came walking up to you "The young gentleman whom you just seated requested for you to be his server" She said and then all the girls looked at you with jaws dropped "you lucky shit" the one who first replied to you gasped. You fixed yourself up and grabbed a spare fanny pack thing and walked over to Nialls table, notepad in hand. "Hello sir, is there anything I can get you to drink?" You asked to which he responded "you have Budweiser?" "of course, yes, do you want draft or bottle?" you asked Niall smiling "just a bottle please" He smiled as you wrote down his request. "I will go get your drink now, and I will be back in just a few seconds" You said putting your pen in a little pouch along with your notepad "one Budweiser, bottled" you said to the bartender as you approached the bar "here you go, remember it is buy one get one free on all Budweiser tonight" The bartender reminded you "ok, thank you" you replied carrying the bottle back to the table in which, the boy in which you have had a crush on for years was sitting "here you go sir, and just to let you know, these are on buy one get one free tonight" you said as you placed the bottle down in front of him "thank you" He replied smiling up at you "Now have you decided what you want to eat yet, or should I give you a couple more minutes" you asked "what would you recommenced, the wings? or the hamburger?" he asked putting his hand under his chin "I personally love the honey barbecue wings" you responded "well honey barbecue wings it is then" he chuckled back to you "would you like a side order of fries with that?" "yeah sure, why not?" he said. "well let me go put your order in" You said to Niall after writing everything down and then collected his menu. As you proceeded to the kitchen, one of your co-workers approached you asking what all happened and you just told her how he asked what you recommended "I think he likes you" she said "oh no of course not, he is just being friendly" you replied scoffing slightly "no I am serious, he requested you as his waitress, despite the fact you are a hostess, and he won't stop looking over at you" she whispered and when you looked over to him, his gaze was in fact on you causing you to look down and blush. "Well I have to get this order in" you said to her as you continued walking to the kitchen and then told the chef what Nialls order was.  Whilst waiting for the food to be ready, you walked back over to Nialls table to see if he needed a refill and from the looks of it, his answer would be yes. "would you like your other bottle, sir?" you asked Niall being as polite as possible "yes please" He said and then handed you his finished bottle in a helping manner as he grinned at you. You went and got another Budweiser and just as you picked it up the chef called out his order number, telling you that you needed to collect it. You headed over to the kitchen and picked up the wings and fry platter in one hand, whilst holding the beer in the other walking back over to Nialls table. "here you go, wings, fries and a beer" you said as you put everything down "thank you Courtney" he said, you scrunched your eyebrows up slightly confused at how he knew your name and Niall clearly read your expression "I asked one of your co-workers" he laughed causing you also to let out a little laugh "oh, okay then, is there anything else I can get you?" you asked trying to keep your blush to a minimum "nope, I don't think so, but thank you" He responded. The whole time that Niall ate his dinner all the staff, including you kept sneaking occasional glances at him to see if he was enjoying the food and by the looks of it, he was. Once you had seen that he pushed his plate slightly away from him you waited a few minutes before heading over "you all finished here sir?" you asked "yes, thank you it was lovely, and call me Niall" he responded "I am glad that you liked it... Niall" you said whilst hesitating at saying his name, you weren't used to calling customers by their first names. "is there anything else I can get for you, Niall?" "just the check please" he responded receiving a nod from you as you walked away a bit. You went to the till and printed off his check and then brought it over to the table "here you go, sir" you said "Niall" he corrected you "yeah, sorry" you laughed a bit causing him to smile. Before you even got the chance to walk away he handed you the check back and stood up "thank you for dining with us" you said as you moved out the way a bit, making it easier for Niall to get past "no thank you for serving me" Niall winked and then walked away. After he left you opened the check to see a one-hundred dollar note, the bill only came to $16! You then looked at the bill and on it was a handwritten message reading 'hi Courtney, text me when you finish work , I want to get to know you :)' then his number.

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