New Boy (not famous)

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You were trying to rush through the halls in order to avoid the jocks that seem to get a joy out of humiliating you. Just as you got to the last corridor you saw the three of them leaning against the lockers, almost immediately you turned around in attempts to avoid them but unfortunately you weren't lucky enough. "hey nerd, you trying to get away from us?" Josh, the main jock taunted at you but instead of responding to them you kept on walking but soon enough they caught up with you "don't ignore us slut" Sam hissed as he knocked your binders from your hands. "leave me alone" you said just above a whisper "I'm sorry what was that, I can't hear your muttering" Zac Laughed. Just as you went to pick them up Zac, the other jock pushed you to the ground. "hey leave the girl alone" you heard an unfamiliar voice shout "only cowards hit girls" the voice was closer this time "whatever leprechaun" Zac laughed referring to the boys Irish accent, after that the boys all walked away. When you looked up you were met with the most gorgeous blue eyes that you had seen, you also noticed his died blonde hair and his prominent dimple chin, the only word that could describe him was flawless. "thank you for helping me" you said not being able to tear you eyes from his "no problem I'm Niall" the now identified boy said picking up your binders and extending a hand to you "I'm (y/n)" you replied accepting his hand "who were those assholes anyway?" Niall frowned whilst handing your binders back to you, "They're just stupid jocks" you sighed "Well those stupid jocks won't be making fun of you anymore seeing as I will be by your side, as long as you're okay with that" Niall said a smirk forming on his face, you only nodded in response. "how about you let me take you out Friday night? " he asked squeezing your hand that he was still holding "oh eh y-yeah, that sounds really fun" you replied shocked "why are you so shocked?" He asked "guys never ask me out" you said just above a whisper "well then they are stupid" he said smiling.

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