More than friends

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You were sitting in your room sobbing due to the fact you had just found out your boyfriend had cheated on you and when you confronted him about it he dumped you. Just as you were about to call your best friend Niall to tell him what had all happened you received a text and it was from Niall coincidentally
'Hi love' it read, you two always called each other little pet names seeing as you had been friends since you were five.
'Can you come over?' You texted him back and within seconds you got a reply.
'Is everything ok? I will be over in five minutes'
Right enough five minutes later you heard a knock on the door and when you opened there stood Niall with two tubs of your favorite ice cream and a huge bag of candy.
"Didn't think it would be good news so I brought this over" he said "wait have you been crying?"
"You would be right there and yeah, Jonathan broke up with me after I confronted him about cheating on me" you said breaking down to sobs again. Niall instantly put the food on the floor and then closed the door followed by engulfing you in a hug
"Oh my god (y/n) it will be okay, he was an asshole anyway, if I wasn't here with yah right now I would go t that dickheads door and teach him a lesson" Niall said rubbing your back whilst hugging you. You were then caught by surprise when Niall lifted you up bridal style and carried you through to your bedroom Again, placing you on the bed.
"Stay here, I will get some medicine otherwise known as food, yah know I heard cookie dough ice cream cures a broken heart the best" Niall said chuckling a bit also causing you to laugh
"There's that beautiful smile, it better still be there when I get back missy" Niall fake scolded and he walked out your room to get the ice cream and candy. Not long after Niall came back with the food and also two spoons. He jumped onto the bed so that he was right next to you, in fact almost jumping on top of you.
"Jesus Christ" you cried out at the fact he almost landed on you
"The names Niall babe not Jesus" Niall smirked and for some reason this made you blush.
"Ok so how about we stick on Netflix?" Niall asked
"Yeah sure" you replied smiling watching him grab the remote
"Anything in particular that yah want to watch?" He asked looking over to you
"Not really, you pick" you said back
"Ok then, insidious it is then" he smirked knowing you hated horrors. He himself didn't like them either but he loved when you would snuggle up to him because in secret he had a huge crush on you since you met but he was just too afraid to say in case he ruined the friendship.
"Omg no" you cried out
"You told me to pick so I did, and anyway I will keep ya safe" he chuckled pulling you closer to him so that your head was resting on his chest and his arm was around you. You had always felt something for Niall but you never wanted to act on it either for the same reasons as Niall because you were almost positive Niall didn't like you back. Throughout the movie you kept on burying your head into Nialls chest causing him to laugh and look down at you. Surprisingly after the movie the remainder of the ice cream still hasn't melted so Niall picked up one of the spoons and scooped up ice cream proceeding to put it up to your mouth and just as you were about to open it he splatted it on your nose, clearly on purpose.
"Oops" he laughed putting the ice cream tub back down
"You think that's funny?" You teased him as you wiped a bit of your nose and rubbed it on his cheek. He faked gasped but then turned towards you so that he was looking in your eyes
"Here let me get this" he whispered slightly as he took his thumb up to the corner of your mouth to wipe off some ice cream. Midway through doing it Niall attached his lips to yours but quickly pulled away.
"I am so sorry (y/n) I didn't mean that" Niall said getting all flustered
"It's ok, really" you said blushing and looking away wishing his lips were once again on your own.
"What am I saying, I need to tell you something" Niall blurted out picking at his nails causing you to pull his hands apart and hold them.
"I really really like you ok? And in more than a friend way. I have done since we were little but I just didn't want it to ruin our friendship and seeing you get hurt by assholes like Jonathan kills me, I just wish we could be together because I would never treat you like that, I would treat you like you deserve, like royalty" Niall said

"Why can't we be together?" You said back

"Because the feelings have to be mutual" he replied looking up at you once again

"What if they are" you replied

"Wait you like Me?" Niall asked

"Yeah, I just didn't want what we had to be ruined" you whispered

"Well then that's great, will you maybe be my girlfriend, I promise I will treat you-"

"Yes Niall" you interrupted causing the biggest smile to spread across his face

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