Exploding Grapes (Not famous)

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You and Niall are partners in cooking class and no matter what, something always went wrong, whether its you burning yourself on the stove, or Niall dropping a plate, or even just putting in the wrong ingredients, it was a mystery how you were both still passing. "So class, today we will be making chicken breast drizzled with a grape sauce, one of you will make the chicken and the other will make the sauce, I figured you could handle this seeing as you are seniors" Your teacher Ms Lando said "I don't know about that" Niall chuckled quietly so only you could hear therefore causing you to also chuckle. "Okay so who is making what?" you asked "Well how about I make the grape sauce as it seems easier and you make the chicken, yeah?" Niall suggested "okay, then, hopefully we don't wreck it this time" You laughed "hopefully you don't burn yourself for what is the third time this week" he laughed back "yeah yeah whatever, at least I know not to microwave aluminum foil dummy" you playfully scoffed "hey it was one time" Niall defended himself bursting out into laughter "lets start making this then" You said. Both you and Niall grabbed the recipes required and got to collecting all the needed ingredients. After having put the chicken in the pan and putting oil on it, you felt a sting to the back of your knees and when you turned around Niall had a folded over dish towel in his hand and a playful smirk on his face "oh it's on Horan" You said grabbing a dish towel of your own and then hitting him, catching his arm "You two at the back, stop messing around" The teacher shouted at both you and Niall "sorry ma'am, wasn't me, I apologize for this ones behavior though" Niall said in a cocky tone causing you to glare at him in a teasing manner. Just as your chicken was finishing you turned around and saw that Niall had his back turned to you as he concentrated on measuring the sugar, once you saw that he had poured all his ingredients into a pan you whipped the bag of his legs with the dish towel. "no you didn't" Niall said with a serious face  and you noticed that he still had the bag of sugar in his hand but a load of sugar had fallen into the pan causing you to burst out laughing "oh my god, I am so sorry" you said trying to stop your laughs "I am only joking,  I have a sweet tooth anyway" Niall joked "that wasn't funny Niall, I thought you were mad at me" You pouted "nah, not yet, but one more hit from that dish towel and we will have a problem" he joked pulling you into a side hug. "Need any help? the chicken is done" you asked Niall "yeah can you stir this for me I have to melt the grapes" Niall said referring to the big pan with a heap of sugar in it along with other things such as lemon juice and corn flour "of course" you smiled at him taking the wooden spoon from him. Once you had mixed everything together you looked at Niall who had just hit start on the microwave. "Niall what did you put in the microwave?" You asked, hoping that it wasn't the grapes as they would definitely catch fire or explode "just the grapes why?" He shrugged "You can't put grapes in the microwave Niall" you exclaimed "why not-" Niall was cut off by a huge bang and when you looked to the microwave there was an evident fire inside it "that's why" you sighed as Niall ran over to the microwave and opened it.  "What was that bang?" Ms Lando shouted turning around then her eyes widened in shock and anger "YOU TWO, OUT MY CLASS NOW!" She roared causing both of you to walk out the class, heads hung low so that the teacher couldn't see you laughing but once you got out of the class, the two of you fully burst out into laughter, tears leaking from your eyes. "This is why we are best friends" Niall laughed and you nodded in agreement.

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