Your room

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You and Niall were in a taxi to your old house in order for Niall to meet your parents, he was nervously tapping his foot against the floor and had his fingers by his mouth biting his nails. You pulled his hand away from his mouth and into your own "don't worry babe" you said to him "what if they don't approve? I don't think I could handle that" he said looking at your intertwined hands "well I love you Niall and you make me happy, therefore my parents will love you" you reassured him getting a nod and a "mhmm" in response "besides how many people do you know, that dislike you? I don't know any" you asked Niall but before his answer you had arrived at your all too familiar childhood home "just be yourself, yeah?" You told Niall as you got out the car. Niall went around the back you following him and before you could get any luggage, he had taken it all "let me get some" you said "no princess, it's my job" he replied kissing your forehead and just then your parents came out "Oh (Y/N) we have missed you so much" Your mother exclaimed whilst engulfing you in a hug , your dad standing back a bit. Both of your parents then looked to Niall "hello Mr and Mrs (Y/L/N), I am Niall" Niall introduced himself, putting his hand out for your parents to shake. "nice to meet you. we know all about you, haven't stopped hearing about you for about five years" Your father chuckled "5 years?" Niall asked eyebrows scrunching as he chuckled slightly "oh yeah, (Y/N) is a huge fan" Your mother laughed causing Niall to look at you with a playful grin on your face "really mom, dad? was there any need?" You groaned going bright red from embarrassment "come on then you two, lets get you settled in, yeah?" Your mother said walking back towards the house, everyone following her as your dad took the bags "so you were a directioner, huh?" Niall smirked "a little bit yeah" you lied back to him, in fact you were a huge directioner, you had previously texted your mum to take down all the posters and hide the cardboard cut out before Nialls arrival. "and was I your favorite?" he asked putting his arms around your waist and laying his chin on your head as you walked to the door "erm I think Louis" you playfully responded "wrong answer babe" he chuckled and started tickling your sides a bit "stop N-niall" You giggled and just then your little brother came to the door that Niall and you were just about to walk in. "what's the password sissy?"Your brother asked "just let us past" you groaned to your brother "password" he ordered "one direction suck" you mumbled causing a huge grin to spread across his face as he looked to Niall who was laughing. "why are you even here?" You asked you brother as he moved out the way. You had hoped he would be away seeing as he will really embarrass you in front of Niall, worse than your parents. "just wanted to meet your boyfriend is all, hello Niall, I am Connor" (USING THIS NAME FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE STORY) "Hi Connor" Niall said "let me show you around" you said to Niall taking his hand.  You saw your dad come out your room after dropping off the bags with a grin on his face, you assumed it was just because he had previously embarrassed you but it was a lot worse as you would find out later on. You showed Niall your living room and explained how your mother hates when people sit on the cushions because she is 'crazy' ,as you called her. Then you showed Niall the other rooms but finishing up, you headed to your bedroom. Without hesitation you opened the door expecting to see blank walls but to your horror all the posters were still up, the cardboard cut out still by your bed. "oh my god" you said and turned to face Niall who was in hysterics, you then looked behind Niall to see your brother who had a smirk on his face "I noticed all your posters were down and thought that I would help you out a bit, by putting them back up" He said walking over to his room "I can not believe you have just saw this" you said completely mortified "This is definitely something" Niall said still in hysterics. "stop laughing, its not funny" you jokingly scolded him to which he lifted you up and placed you on your bed which was covered in One Direction song lyrics. "so you were saying Louis was your favorite, huh? explains the cardboard cut out of me that you have" he smirked emphasizing the 'me'  "they had run out of Louis ones" you replied smartly "I don't think so, I think someone had a little crush" He said poking at your sides causing you to giggle, the pokes turned into him full on tickling you and you laughing whilst trying to tell him to stop. He was now leaning over you whilst he run his hands up and down your sides "so babe, wanna tell me again who your favorite was?" He asked with a smirk on his face "y-you, you were" you squealed through laughter "oh, so were?" he said continuing to tickle you "no- no you are" you corrected yourself and in response he stopped tickling you and leaned down to you attaching your lips for a short kiss but just then Connor walked in "EW THAT'S DISGUSTING, I DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT, MUM, DAD THEY ARE DOING STUFF" Your brother screamed running to where you assume your parents were "SHUT UP WE WEREN'T DOING ANYTHING" you shouted laughing through as Niall lay beside you also laughing "did you not ever find it scary? so many eyes staring at you?" Niall asked breaking your guys laughter fits "not really,but that thing did scare me for the first too weeks" you said as you pointed to the cardboard cut out "oh really? so I scared you then?" he asked looking at you "eh a little" you joked as you both started laughing again.

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